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Q: If you scratch your hives do they spread?
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When you scratch your skin you get hives?

That's called dermographism

If you scratch you get hives?

That's a condition called dermographism.

Do flea bites give you hives?

Yes.... you will scratch them tell they weep if not careful. Sting-goes or Calmine lotion are the tonics

What disease can a kitten spread to humans?

cat scratch fever

Where are registry hives stored?

The registry is spread along different files but if I'm not mistaken the majority of it is stored in so called SAM.

Is it bad to scratch your hives in an allergic reaction?

yes because you can have a stronger allergic reaction - plus the scratching scrapes off the protective outer layers of skin making it even more sensitive and if you scratch enough you can cause it to bleed and get an infection to go with the allergic reaction.

How did colonists bring bees to America?

The colonists had bees shipped to America in hives. The first arrived in the Jamestown colony and spread throughout the area.

The scratch of a cat cause of a death?

Cat scratch fever is a bacterial infection that is spread from cats. It can result in severe infections and even death if left untreated in some cases.

Do all dogs scratch at the ground after they poop?

Yes they do hey spread there scent. This is a normal dog behavior.

Is it good to swim with a scratch down by your legs?

If it is a small scratch, it shouldn't matter; bacteria are managed by chlorine. However, if it is large and/or scabbed, do not go into the pool. You could acquire or spread an infection.

Does staph infection cause hives?

a staph infection may itch at first. It will usually change within two days to a painful sore with pus present. For many people this time period is less, especially if they scratch, but you should absolutely not scratch. This can cause the infection to spread to other areas of the skin or even become systemic which could mean a hospital trip.

Can hives and itching be caused by the kidneys?

A lot of different things can cause hives, including this. Yes, this can cause hives. You should see a doctor if hives continue.