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First let me say I am no dentist but I am a smoker that has had teeth removed before......I actually just got 2 more teeth removed 3 days ago!

1st wet gauze pads and cover the holes up

2nd make sure to inhale from the opposite side that your teeth got pulled

3rd take baby hits and let the smoke out through your nose

Hope this helps you!

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12y ago
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15y ago

Smoking causes vasoconstriction which can lead to poor healing to the affected area. Secondly the sucking action that happens in the mouth can dislodge the clot in the extracted tooth area, which can lead to dry socket

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12y ago

Just don't smoke. If you do the sucking motion will lift any clots that are forming. In addition, the smoke can damage the fragile tissues in your mouth, and increase the likelihood of infection.

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11y ago

First, you have to examine the paper your dentist gave you. If you do not have a paper, let me tell you what mine says. First, there is no rinsing,spitting or sipping through a straw in the first 24 hours after the extraction. You also have to do salt water rinses after the first day for one week. You may only eat liquds and soft foods for a week. Avoid hot,cold,spicy,acidic or citric foods or drinks. Additionally, do not have smoke or alcoholic beverages.If experiencing bleeding, bite down on fresh gauze for 30-45 min. Now, I have a question for you. Can you play an instrument after a tooth extraction?

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Can you smoke after a tooth extraction?

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Once the clot is formed, it should not be disturbed. The patient should not rinse, spit, drink with a straw, or smoke for at least 24 hours

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yes should take cold not hot on the day of tooth extraction

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no, because you cannot suck. no smoking, drinking out of a straw, etc.

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You can. However it might be illegal in some jurisdictions.

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well unless your having a baby tooth extracted there should be no other tooth that comes in.

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NO! Smoking not only compounds dental problems, it increases your likelihood of further dental deterioration. It is never ok to smoke, dental infection or not.

Can I eat after tooth extraction?

You can definitely eat after a tooth extraction. You should eat liquid or very soft foods on the opposite side of the extraction.

How much should a tooth extraction cost in Oregon?

Should be no more than 100.00 dollars

Can you smoke weed with clove dressings in after having a minor infection after wisdom tooth extraction?

NO, you moron you should not even be smoking that in the first place what is wrong with you, Do you know how bad that stuff is for you? Oh and back to the question if you smoke with an infection you should not smoke because it will make it worse. Try to some hot water and slat in your mouth.

Can a upper tooth extraction effect sinus?

Yes, the extraction of an upper tooth can affect the sinuses.

Is it normal to bleed after 48 hours of extraction?

No, if you are still bleeding 48 hrs after a tooth extraction, consult your dentist. If it is another type of extraction, your question should be more specific.