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Spotting on Birth Control can happen due to missed pills or due to other factors. If you have taken the pill as directed, spotting doesn't mean that you are not protected against pregnancy. If the spotting continues or recurs, see your health care provider to find out the cause. Infection or some other problem with your cervix could be the cause. If not, a change in brand may solve the problem.

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13y ago

yes, your body will think that it needs to release an egg. when the egg gets released and there is no sperm there to fertilize the egg then you will have a period.

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Is it normal to spot for 2 weeks after taking birth control packs back to back?

no you can get sick

What does it mean if you spot during your period?

spotting is usually a sign of pregnancy. but it can also be a result from taking certain Birth Control.

Should you keep taking birth control if it just started making you spot bleed?

Yes, because if you don't you will keep bleeding

What if you only spot while on the sugar pill?

It is possible, because when you're on birth control those aren't real periods. They're meant to have lighter bleeding.

How long after starting a new birth control does your period start?

It really just depends on what type of birth control your taking, and when you start to take them. If you missed a week or two after getting off your period then you may spot for a few days, but you should start when your supposed to.

Can birth control delay a period after taking just the very first pill?

yes it can it could make you spot, or bleed, and it can mess up your cycle like the timing on it. but if you started taking it no worries your body will adjust.

Can birth control make you spot?

Yes. In the first few months of being on birth control, this happens frequently, and it fades as you continue to use it.

Is it normal to spot while taking birth control pill?

Spotting or any other signs of irregular bleeding can be a side effects of any hormonal birth controls. For most women, the body generally adjusts after a few cycles of the contraceptives.

How long are you supposed to spot when you skip the sugar pills in your birth control?

It's unpredictable.

Why does birth control make you spot and how do you stop it?

You can't stop it, it's just a natural thing

Why do you spot everyday on birth control?

I'am on the depot and i have noticed that i have been spotting for the last 2 weeks why?

Can you have your period before the birth control pill tells you to?

It is possible to alter the timing of your menstrual cycle while on the pill. Sometimes you can push it to later in the month too. Depending on how long you push it back though, you may spot.