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This isn't like the movie predators.

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Q: If you step on a scorpion and kill it does it give off an odor that will attract more scorpions?
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Do scorpions kill hawks?

If they are quick enough to catch them. It sorta depends what type of scorpion it is and whether it is vaccinated or not. If it is a wild scorpion it is likely to kill a hawk.

Could a scorpion kill a mamba?

One might not, but a nest of scorpions could.

Can scorpions kill snakes?

Unlikely. Only if the scorpion is very strong and the snake is vulnerable.

When to feed a scorpion?

Scorpions survive on various insects and small animals,such as rodents.At times they also nourish on lizards and spiders.One of the most common diets of a scorpion is a cricket.There are larger species of scorpions,which have been known to kill birds and various animals.some scorpions feed on smaller breed on scorpions or on young scorpions.

Are cats immune to scorpions?

If a cat stung a scorpion, it would probably kill it. The venom in a scorpion is enough to kill the average house cat.WRONG.......Actually it will most likely NOT kill a cat. The average house scorpion does NOT have enough venom to kill a cat, only the bark scorpion does and you can tell if it is a bark scorpion if it can climb walls! Scorpions are not monsters but are dangerous, if your house pet starts to drool or have tremors or difficulty breathing they should see a vet but mostly they will live.

Can Raid kill scorpions?

Here in Arizona raid is deadly on scorpions. Just a quick squirt and the scorpion will be dead within 30 - 60 seconds.

Is a scorpion a spider?

Spiders and scorpions both belong to the arthropod class Arachnida (arachnids) and are not insects (they have 8 legs).Spiders are of the order Araneae and scorpions of the order Scorpiones.

Could a wasp kill a scorpion?

Probably, scorpion spray is just a poison. Here's a ubi: a scorpion will sting itself to death if a drop of alcohol is placed on its back,

Can a scorpion accidentally kill itself?

Scorpions cannot accidentally kill themselves. Their venom has no effect on the scorpion or any other scorpion of the same family.The belief that scorpions sting themselves to death to commit suicide when confronted by fire, or other life threatening situations is a myth and completely false. The misconception may have been founded from the way in which scorpions react to intense heat. As scorpions are cold blooded animals (poikilotherms), when they are exposed to intense heat, their metabolic process malfunction, causing the scorpion to spasm wildly. This can appear as if the scorpion is stinging itself.It is also untrue that alcohol will cause scorpions to sting themselves to death.Excellent!, only one little thing, A scorpion can kill another scorpion from the same species or family. A scorpion is immune to its own venom ONLY.-J

Does a scorpion die after it stings?

No. Scorpionflies are incapable of stinging humans. Their scorpion-like tail is actually the male scorpionfly's genitalia. They feed mostly off of dead/dying soft-bodied insects. Males will present prey to females in hopes to win their rights to mate. They aren't a threat to humans.

Is a scorpion poisionous?

Scorpion species are all different. They all carry a different kind of toxic venom. They are venomous but some species have a mild venom while other have venom that can either kill you or do serious harm.

What is the sequence of what happens when a scorpion bites someone?

Scorpions do not bite they usually pinch and only sting if they feel threatend. nonlethal scorpion stings are like bee stings. but more venomous species can kill in minuts