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It is very likely you will have some spotting and possibly an altered cycle if us stop BCP mid-cycle. I don't think calling it bad is accurate - just not something you should do if you can help it, because of the irregular cycle it will cause.

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No, but you could get pregnant.

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Q: Is it bad for your body if you stop taking the pill after one week?
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How long will you bleed after you stop taking the pill?

a week

Can you get pregnant if you stop taking the pill for one week and then start taking it 2 days after sex?

Most definitely yes.

Can you still take your pill as usual even though your period is a week late?

Yes, many women stop menstruating while taking the pill.

Why are you spotting one week after you stop taking your pill?

That's completely normal. I'm not sure why, but don't be worried by anything.

If your period is a week early on the pill should you continue taking extra pills?

Yes take a pill once every day at the same time. Even if your period starts before you get to the end of the pill pack. This is normal. Do not stop taking your pills or you could get pregnant.

After a week on Prednisone how long will it remain in your body?

Most of it will be gone a day after you stop taking it.

Can you begin taking birth control on a Tuesday?

Technically, there is nothing keeping you from taking the pill whenever you want. The human body varies from person to person. However, if you have a schedule that calls for taking the pills a certain number of days in the week for example, and taking the pill on Tuesday would affect the treatment of the pill on your body, you should probably stick to your schedule. Ask your doctor, if you can, for a more detailed answer.

If you stop taking the pill the week after period can you get pregnant?

Yes. Even missing one day of the pill will reduce the effectiveness of the pill. If you missed a week, the effectiveness of the pill increases a lot. I would recommend using a condom or other form of non-hormonal birth control for the next month (as it will take a month for the pill to be at 99.99% effectiveness again.

What happens if i am on the 21 day birth control and for got to stop taking the pill for the first two days of the week that I'm not suppose to take the pill?

Just take a break of no more than five days and then continue taking the second pack.

If you have been taking birth control for one week and hate it should you start you period a couple days after you stop it?

Your period can arrive anytime when you suddenly stop the pill. It may be days or even a week or two before it arrives.

Is it okay to stop taking your birth control pill in the 3rd week and have a period for 7 days and then continue taking your 3rd week pills after?

You can do that, although I'm not sure why you would, unless you just want to have a period earlier. If you do so, be sure to start your next pack's active pills immediately after completing that third week's pills. Do not take a "placebo week" or "pill free week," as you will risk prenancy. Use a back up method of birth control during the week you're taking that "third week" late.

How do you stop taking pain medication?

If you are wanting to wean off, then you start reducing your dose by half a pill less, each week, until you are completely off of them.