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Sleeping for four days straight would mean death. It is very dangerous to consume more than the recommended dosage of sleeping pills. If you have a real sleeping problem you should consult your doctor.

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Q: If you take to many sleeping pills is it possible to sleep for four days straight?
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What makes you sleep better?

Sleeping pills.

What are the effects and results of smoking sleeping pills?

smoking sleeping pills is like using sleeping pills although the dose wont be as strong you will tend to go to sleep...

Sleeping pills which don't need doctor's prescription?

Sleeping pills that work real good are tylenol P.M.

How to sleep longer during the day?

If you have a problem with your sleep you can drink sleeping pills. I would suggest you contact your doctor.

What medications provide sleep help?

Your doctor can prescribe appropriate sleeping pills which can help you fall asleep. Popular sleeping pills include Ambien, Lunesta, Halcion and many others.

What happens when you take sleeping pills and pills to keep you awake?

Insomnia can result in many physical and emotional problems as lack of sleep can result in the disruption of normal bodily function and can cause a person to experience emotional stress and depression. This condition, however, can be treated with the help of sleeping pills and there are many types of sleeping pills available on the market with zopiclone widely considered to be one of the most effective. more you can read from

How can you make yourself sleep?

what are domias, sleeping pills? They dont work, if i do go to sleep it might be for an hour then im awake again

What can you do to make yourself fall asleep faster?

nothing other than try again A glass of warm milk will help.

Can you buy pills that will knock you out?

There are many pills that will allow you to sleep and not harm you. For instance there are pills specifically designed to help you sleep, such as Tylenol PM.

Is sleeping pills and alegra and methadone ok to take per doctor?

No. No sleeping pills should be taken while on methadone. Ask your doc for something to help you sleep. I used to be on it and they prescriped everybody seroquel. Its not a sleeping pill but its side affect is sleeping. because you cant mix the two. It can kill you. I took a lot of things while i was on methadone but i never once messed with the sleeping pills

What is the name of sleeping pills?

Some prescription sleeping pills are Restoril, Ambien (or Ambien CR) and Lunesta. Over the counter sleeping aids usually contain Benadryl (diphenhydramine). Some doctors prescribe antidepressants as sleep aids such as trazodone.