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Skipping the placebo pills does not increase your risk of pregnancy.

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Q: If you taking the contraceptive Levlen Ed and you skip the non-hormonal tablets 3-4 times to miss several periods and only take the hormonal tablets can you get pregnant?
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Can we pregnant 7 days to leaft to my periods?

Any time you do sex without using contraceptive measures you can get pregnant.

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i think when your periods are back to normal and it depends how long you have been using that contraceptive

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Consider the Paragard IUD if you want non-hormonal contraception that won't interfere with monthly periods.

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No. The implant can have different affects on women. In some cases causing irregular bleeding. This does not mean you are pregnant.

What does it mean when you bleed before your period?

It could mean you are pregnant, have irregular periods, hormonal imbalance or you have had a light and early period this month for no reason.

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when is the right time to put copper t as a contraceptive, is it during monthly periods

Can contraceptive implant affect your periods?

All women using the contraceptive implants have changes in their bleeding patterns.

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It may mean you are pregnant, have a hormonal imbalance or are experiencing irregular periods.

What can you do to stop your periods besides birth control?

Besides hormonal birth control the only real options to stop menstruation would either be to get pregnant or to have a hysterectomy.

What can girls do to not become pregnant?

Find out which form of contraceptive that would work for you, learn how to use it, and then use them right. Forget about counting days or "safe periods" they're not reliable enough.

Are periods contagious?

your periods can be influenced by the people around you........ but this is hormonal .......periods are not contagious like a cold or the flu