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I flipped my meniscus in early august and up until today which is October 5th, it has stayed that way. For the past couple of days I had gone to work on a mobility scooter and sparingly tried walking, I felt a couple of pops when trying to hobble around and some mild pain that I could best describe as tender. This morning after taking the dog out on my scooter I was lying on the couch blessing the morning, when it felt like my meniscus had started to move around for a bit and back into place thereafter. An immense amount of pressure was released and I could almost straighten my leg. I have surgery scheduled in less than in week and hopes my doctor can repair the 1.3cmx1.3cm horn tear I suffered from a bad arena floor. I walked kinda funny last night and had felt a crazy burst of extreme adrenaline from watching my team play hockey. I have taken some Oxycodone for relief.

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Q: If you tear your meniscus how can you flip it back with out surgery?
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What is the average settlement for a medial meniscus tear where the tear could not be repaired and the meniscus had to be removed?

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Will a tear of the meniscus heal on it's own?

Meniscus do not heal on their own. Vitamin D will not repair it, the only solution is surgery. All surgery does is detach the torn part hanging off to prevent further tearing. One can come back to sports from this injury with proper rehabilitation.

What does it mean when an MRI reports Intrasubstance high signal is seen within the anterior horn and body of the lateral meniscus?

Most likely a meniscus tear or possibly evidence of a previous surgery.

What is medial meniscus tear?

It is when the cartilage in the knee called the meniscus is torn apart. this is also confused with an over-sized meniscus (which i have). it comes with pain, instability, and the sensation of giving out. The meniscus may heal or may not. Surgery to get the meniscus repaired is possible. the injury will most likely not take you out of a sport such as football or baseball.

I have had surgery for meniscus tear and am still having problems. I am looking for a good orthopedic dr to get a second opinion. ?

You can get second opinion from Dr. Timothy Durnin,, call @ 708-466-9994, Chicago. He is a very best doctor known for meniscus tear I will secong that!

What is a stellate tear of the body of the lateral meniscus?

A stellate tear of the body of the lateral meniscus is a star shaped tear. Usually this is corrected surgically, but sometimes for a slight tear rest is appropriate.

Torn medial meniscus and partial tear of laterial meniscus settlement?


What type of cartilage forms the meniscus in a knee joint?

The meniscus is the cartilage surrounding the lower part of you knee cap, it acts as cushioning between the knee cap and tibia/ fibula. Usually when when you injure your meniscus it is a tear, and it almost always causes pain. Also the meniscus can't regrow itself so if you have a grade 3 tear (a tear that reaches the edges) you will probably need surgery. A grade 2 tear is a tear inside the meniscus that doesn't go all the way through. Grade one is very mild and usually isn't felt until (if it is ever) made worse.

How do you know if you have torn the cartilage in your knee?

This is called a meniscus tear and is quite painful where you are unable to put weight on that side. Generally it doesn't heal and requires arthroscopic surgery to clean out the detritus.

How is a meniscus tear caused?

A meniscus tear can be caused by suddenly turning or twisting the knee. It is a common injury in athletes, and treatment depends upon severity. Many times rest, ice, and physical therapy is sufficient for small tears; however, some tears do require surgery in young patients. An orthopedic doctor would be the expert physician to evaluate your injury.

I had a torn ACL and three years later my knee is popping. What up?

The ACL repair may have been damaged or torn. It may also be a meniscus tear. When you tear your meniscus, the knee seems to pop.

What are some symptoms of a meniscus tear?

Meniscus tear symptoms can range from mildly painful to extreme. Some of the meniscus tear symptoms to look for include: - Swelling of the knee area - Stiffness in the knee - Sharp or stabbing pain upon squatting or kneeling - Popping or clicking sound in the knee - Difficulty standing or unsteady sensation upon standing - Decreased range of motion