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Presuming it was paid with after tax money (money you already paid tax on)...the return of that money is not taxed.

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Q: If you terminate a cancer ins policy and get a refund check for the premeiums you paid in is the amount of the refund taxable Do you have to report it as income and pay taxes on it?
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Can you deduct cancer insurance from your taxes?

Generally, the premiums are not deductible, and benefits would not be taxable income.

How many cancer cells do you need to get cancer?

you actually just get cancer if you have to many cells in a particular place and its when you have double the amount your supposed to have you get cancer

Does to much Lysol cause cancer?

No. It does not. That is just a myth. Cancer is formed by an uncontrollable amount of white blood cells.

What exactly is the treatment for glycolysis?

Glycolysis is not a disease; there is no treatment for glycolysis, but reducing the amount of glycolysis in someone's body can help treat cancer. Reducing the amount of glycolysis will starve the cancer cells.

Being completely cured of cancer means?

It is common that being considered cancer free is being free of cancer for 5 years after your treatments stop. The amount of years may differ depending on the type of cancer that is involved.

Use the word varied in a sentence?

The amount of people at the _______ cancer walk was varied.

When is radiation therapy appropriate for cancer treatment?

Right after you get a certin amount of kemo

Does thomas Gibson have cancer?

While I can confirm he has cancer, he has lost a considerable amount of weight throughout his body, most of all he has lost an incredible amount of natural fat in his face which is indicative of cancer or possibly an auto-immune disease.. He's a wonderful actor and I enjoying watching him on Criminal Minds. Tom Silver ADNS AA

How can you make a donation to Cancer Research?

Donations to cancer research can be done directly online at the American Cancer Society website. Go to the website and fill in your name, the amount that you wish to donate and the applicable credit card information.

What cell phone causes brain cancer?

it can be all, it is the microwaves emitted from the phone. ALSO it is NOT proven that they give you cancer or tumors. it is a theory. the amount of microwave radiation from a mobile/cell phone isn't a massive amount so don't worry yourself a lot about it.

How many Americans seek breast cancer treatment?

There are substantial amount of women that have breast cancer, roughly around 185,000. How many of them seek for treatment, that is unknown. There are lots of options for treatment.

If you incur medical expenses for cancer and have private medical insurance that covers cancer is the insurance payout considered taxable income?

No. You have already paid taxes on the money that you used to pay the insurance premiums.I am an insurance agent that works for a company that sells cancer insurance. Your payouts MAY be subject to taxation if your premiums were paid through your employer, and they pre-taxed them. It is important to seek the advice of a tax professional to ensure that you report all necessary income.