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If your period happens, you are not pregnant. Not anymore, any way.

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Q: If you think you may be pregnant but your period comes on and it hurts worse than cramping what is wrong?
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You have not got your period your stomch hurts and it feels bigger?

You could be pregnant.

Is this a sign of pregnancy short late period and so far 3 weeks of dizziness nausea cramping bloating one boob hurts a lil and you feel like you need to puke hungry but nothing sounds good?

your pregnant. lol

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Pregnant. Pregnant.

Your stomach hurts in the middle can you be pregnant?

yes you can be my girlfriend even got off her period an found out she was

When you are pregnant is it normal to have a slight cramping for 15-30 seconds after urinating?

Cramping after urinating isn't a symptom of pregnancy, that I'm aware of. But is is a strong sign that you could have a UTI (Bladder infection). Go see your doctor to get checked for that. Antibiotics will take care if it if you do have a UTI. Yes, I'm pregnant and positive that I don't have a bladder infection and I have the same thing. Pretty much everything hurts when your pregnant.

Why does it mean when your stomach hurts?

Well if your a female, it is usually Period Cramps. Well if your a male I do not know.

It is normal to have anal cramping during my menstrual period?

i don know but im haven them right now n it hurts soooooo bad.....i think it is normal cause ive bbeen getting the every period but im fine

Is breats tenderness and cramping and dizziness two and a half weeks b4 your period signs of pregnancy now that my period is about to start my breast hurts 10 times worseis this a sign of pregnancy?

no its not e-mail me if u have questions

Are you pregnant if you spotted for 2 weeks after you period your stomach hurts have been barfing please help?

Take a pregnancy test, if you feel that you might be pregnant, it will give you your answer and put you at ease.

What does it mean if my stomache hurts really bad and i vomit and it stills hurts and the same day i thought i had my period but its two days early nd its like pinkish color?

you might just be pregnant

Does it mean your pregnant when a girls nipple hurts?

Not at all. It's often hormones doing that so you can be ovulating or getting your period, PMS.