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Ecstasy can stay detectable in your body on an average 3-5 days depending on weight and age, however even though the MDMA may be flushed from your body after this time, you can still test positive for other substances which are commonly mixed in with the tablet such: ephedrine (a stimulant); dextromethorphan (DXM, a cough suppressant that has PCP-like effects at high doses); ketamine (an anesthetic also has PCP-like effects); coffeine; cocaine; and methamphetamine

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Q: If you took 3 ecstasy pills will they be out of your system in 48 hours?
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What will happen if you took 2 ecstasy pills and you just found out you are 6 weeks pregnant will this harm your baby in any way if you quit taking ecstasy pills until after the birth?

See the Related Link. It might help you.

Never took ecstasy. I am a female that weighs 90lbs. Can I take 4 pills at once or could I die right away from that much?

People don't die from taking ecstasy. They die from being dehydrated while on ecstasy. As long as you keep fluids in your system, you should be fine. Although 4 pills seems like a lot, take 2, and save the other 2 for another day.

If you took 1 gram of speed and 2 ecstasy pills 65 days ago will you pass a urine drugs test?


Its been 7 hours since i took an ecstasy pill and i still cant sleep what do i do?

Stop taking Ecstasy. It's a dangerous drug and you never know what is in the pill. I didnt know what it was the first time i ever took anything like that and it was over 12 hours ago...i don't know if its in my head or if it really is that powerful...i just feel unsleepy...yet my eyes look like i havent slept...and when i lay down i feel nauseiated... Hi, i recommend that you definitely stop taking ecstasy because it is a horrible drug and can ruin your life. try taking sleeping pills or visiting a doctor. if it is too daunting to visit a doctor and the pills arent working ask someone with experience. Wheelersoftball17: Whatever you do, do NOT take sleeping pills. X is very dangerous when used with other drugs. The drug will stay in your system for a good 18 hours; you're probably crashing now. If you don't use again, you should be able to sleep in about the 20-22 hour after you take it.

How long for morphine to be out of the urine if only took 2 pills?

over 9000 hours

How long does ecstasy stay in your system if taken once?

if taken once how long does it stay in your system and you only took half of a pill of ecstacy

How long will Valium stay in my system I took 15 10 mg pills over 5 days and am 6'4 260 pound man?

The main semi-active metabolite of vallium can stay in your system from 36-200 hours.

If you took ecstasy on Wednesday will it be out your system on Monday?

It takes 3-5 days to not show in your pee just drink some water

What if you took only one tab of ecstasy on Friday at 11 at night then you had a drug test Wednesday will you pass?

Ecstasy stays in your system for a proven 48 hours but after that only 1% is left in your body since the drug doesn't attach itself to fat cells. However, in a standard drug test you may show up positive for amphetamine use.