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it all depends on your personal reference.

for looks, it would look neater if your hair length is even.

but for growing, it doesnt do any harm if your hair is uneven.

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Q: If you trim your hair does it all have to be even?
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Yes, that is completely normal! You should definitely trim it, or even shave it if you want to go a step further. Ask your mom, but it is definitely a good idea to at least trim. And don't be embarrassed!

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if you trim your hair i will grow faster remember only trim it do not cut it trim it

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No it is not. Think of it this way... you need to trim you toe nails including fingernails. You should also trim your hair every 6 months. People may not want to trim their nails or hair, but they should. Including all of this, body trim is healthy for your body.

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yes you hold the ear together and trim the hair that is hanging out.

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Try it like this,..."sweetie, trim your nose hair"

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Cutting your facial hair is a personal choice. Many people don't cut all of their facial hair. They opt to trim it.

Is it true that if you trim your hair it grows faster?

it grows faster because your cutting off all the knotty bad hair, it gives it more time to grow, so kids, be brave, don't shave, just trim!