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Unfortunate. Ironic.

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Q: If you try to fail but you succeed what would that be called?
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What happens if you fail at life?

You end up like the others who have failed. They're called "losers." You fail only when you give up trying. If you try and try and you cannot succeed, then just change your definition of success and try again.

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You try if you keep when u fail u try again and then you'll succeed

What does 'if at first you don't succeed try try again' mean?

It means do not give up when you fail to achieve something.

If you try to fail and succeed which have you done?

short answer: succeeded. long boring answer: regardless of what you failed at you wernt trying to succeed at it so it is completely irrelevent. what you were trying to do was fail and that is just what you did so you have succeeded in your goal which is all that matters.

What does in order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your failure mean?

Try putting "desire for" in front of "failure" at the end of your question and see if that makes sense to you. If not, try adding 2+3, which is alittle harder than 2+2. If you can do that, you should be able to figure it out. Hint: If your desire to succeed is not greater than your desire to fail, you will most likely not succeed at that which you desire to succeed at. "Not succeed": meaning you will most likely fail at that, in which youhave a desire to succeed.

What does it mean to do something in vain?

To do something in vain means that you do not succeed in doing what you are trying to do; to try in vain is to fail.

Why do people say epic fail?

It's usually just for jokes. More often than not, though, they say 'epic fail' because you try so hard to do something, but then you don't succeed, it is an epic fail. But if you try hard for something and you DO succeed, it is an epic win. .....Except epic fails are more fun! And kind of embarrasing, but funny!

Has anyone ever committed suicide and lived?

No, because if you try to kill yourself and succeed its suicide but if try to kill yourself and fail then its attempted suicide.

If you try to fail and you succeed which have you done?

Broken even. That is the no man's land between failure at success and success at failure. Actually, it's called quitting. A round about way but never the less, quitting.

Would you please show me how to use the word 'succeed' in a sentence?

She worked hard and was able to succeed in her goal of starting her own business.

Question and answers on the poem try try again?

Explain the lines'once or twice though you should fail.. what should you do in that case?/try again

Complete the saying ''If at first you don't succeed?

The complete saying is, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." It can be "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. It can also be "If a first you don't succeed, redefine success.