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Q: If you use external fertilisation do you lay eggs?
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Do bees use internal or external development?

External, because they lay eggs.

What two classes of vertebrate use external fertilisation?

what two classes of vertebrates use external fertilisation

What happens during fertiliseation?

frogs use external fertilisation so the sperm is released into the water and the eggs are are released into water then the sperm fertilises the eggs

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Do fish use external reproduction or internal reproduction?

The salmon reproduces externally. The female salmon will lay the eggs and then the males will shoot their semen on top of the eggs to fertilize them.

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Why fish use external fertilisation?

Fish use outer fertilization because they are not Mammals , which use inner fertilization . Mammals generally bear live young , with few exeptions . Fish and other cold blooded animals lay eggs which are fertilized outside the body , again with few exeptions .

Do milkfish use internal or external fertilization?

It is external because we all know that fish lay eggs and they lay eggs in their habitat so its meant to say that the fish, develop their embryo inside the egg and also where it is hatch.

Where fertilisation occurs in a butterfly?

Fertilization of eggs in butterfly reproduction occurs during a vigorous mating ritual. The female butterfly then lays and abandons her eggs.

Do amur leopards have internal or external fertilization?

Lions are mammals, and use internal fertilisation.

Sea dragon internal or external fertilisation?

Seadragons are like seahorses in that it is the male who carries the eggs The female will deposit up to 250 eggs (bright pink) onto the males tail where the eggs attach themselves to a "brood patch" where they will stay for the next 6 to 8 weeks where they receive oxygen from "cups" on this brood patch and they become "fertilised" which is external