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No. Never use wood shavings for a ferret. Most wood shavings contain oils that are harmful to a ferret. It can lead to Asthma like symptoms in your ferret such as - wheezing, difficulty breathing and coughing.

Some wood shavings are very dusty (even the ones that claim to have be "dust extracted"). The ferrets inhale the dust which settles in there lungs and causes severe respiratory problems.

Cat litter should also be avoided as they are too dusty. In particular clumping cat litter should also be avoided as when the ferret wipes its bottom on clumping cat litter it can cause skin irritation and if ingested it will expand and cause a blockage.

Corn cob litter should also be avoided because if it is ingested it cannot be broken down and will cause a blockage.

The safest thing to use is a litter made specifically for ferrets. They cost approximately the same as cat litter and are available in some pet stores or online.

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Q: If you use soft bedding for the ferret to sleep on can you use wood shavings for the litter tray?
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If I use soft bedding for the ferret to sleep on can I use wood shavings for the litter tray?

Hi, i honestly do not recommend laying soft bedding in a ferret cage, they sometimes like to chop on soft things and most of the softer bedding is chewy as well which if they swallow it they will most likely get it lodged in their intestine and need emergency surgery. Pine bedding works the best, they find comfort in almost anything. iv seen my ferrets sleep on top of a stack of CD`s! 100% Pine bedding Is what i recommend. _______________________________________________ Pine bedding is dangerous to ferrets. Period. A better option for litter would be recycled paper pellets such as Marshall or Yesterdays News. I use wood stove pellets. Blankets and hammocks are fine for them to sleep on.

Do you have to use bedding in ferret cages?

Ferrets require some type of soft bedding that they can burrow into as they sleep about 18 hours a day.

What is the best bedding for a ferret?

Ferrets are content to sleep in old t-shirts, sweaters, baby blankets, cut off pant legs, etc. These bedding items should be washed at least weekly to keep your ferret smelling fresh. Dirty bedding = stinky ferret. It is best to stay away from any type of bedding that can produce dust, or can become moldy when wet. Ferret respiratory systems are very sensitive to these things.

Can rabbits eat cedar shavings?

No, rabbits should not eat cedar shavings. Cedar shavings can be toxic to rabbits when ingested, causing respiratory and digestive issues. It is best to use safe bedding options like aspen shavings or paper-based bedding for rabbits.

Why do ferrets need soft bedding?

ferrets like to be comfortable, think about it you have a soft bed, so should they

What essantial things needed for a ferret?

well cage, hammock for them to sleep, food, corner litter box (2), and an area for them to run around. ohh and they can climb.

What do you use in a ferrets cage?

Large, multi-tiered cage - ferret habitat should include a hammock or sleep sack, litter box, toys, high quality ferret food, water bottle or heavy crock for water

What should i use for guinea pig bedding?

Good options for guinea pig bedding include paper-based bedding, aspen shavings, or fleece liners. Avoid cedar or pine shavings as they can be harmful to guinea pigs' respiratory systems. Make sure to provide enough bedding for burrowing and nesting.

Is it unhealthy to keep a ferret where you sleep?

No, it's not unhealthy to keep a ferret where you sleep, in fact, my ferret sleeps with me in my bed as he is free roam in the bedroom and never caged.

What is the best to put in the ferrets nest blanket or towel or pine wood shavings?

Ferrets like to sleep in soft materials so they can burrow under and be covered. Do not use materials with a loose weave because sometimes their nails will catch on threads. DO NOT USE ANY WOOD OR PINE SHAVINGS BEDDING MATERIALS . It can cause respiratory problems for ferrets and possible illnessADVICE FROM OTHER CONTRIBUTORS:I'm not a scientist, but I'm a dedicated ferret owner, and I would strongly suggest a fuzzy blanket. Ferrets like fuzzy and soft things, much like humans, and I think they would hate wood shavings. Remember not to keep your ferrets is a cage the whole day- they're very playful and need exercise.i agree i own ferrets too and i have a hammock that hangs from the top of the cage with a fuzzy blanket in it they love itSo do I! For ferrets I would also suggest using newspapers instead of litter- evidently both work, but mine used the litter as confetti, and presumed to go to the bathroom on the floor.

How long do a ferret sleep?

They sleep for around 8-11 hours.

How long do Ferret sleep?

They sleep for around 8-11 hours.