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Only if you have the decency to feel bashful when you see doc about sneezy and the stregth of character to be happy when those around are grumpy.

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Q: If you wake up feeling grumpy and sleepy does this make you snow white?
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What does purple mean in french?

The English translation of the french word mauve is mauve. Purple is a mixture of the spectral colours blue and red. Mauve is an unsaturated colour - purple has been mixed with white to make mauve or lilac just as red is mixed with white to make pink and turquoise with white to make eau-de-nil.

How do you make a French maid costume?

you will need: hair bands white Alice band some white lace glue black shirt black skirt white apron black stockings black high heels feather duster you want to tie your hair up into a bun, make sure it is very neat, gluw the white lace to the Alice band and wait for that to dry wear the clothes? ^^' I'm no good at this... erm... then when the glue is dry you have the maid headband... erm... i think that's about it... red lipstick, black eyeshadow and eyeliner... look at some reference pics to make sure and erm... there... if this is a bit confusing... then there are millions of places you can get a maid outfit dirt cheap, i got one for £5 for haloween

How do you avoid getting that run-down feeling?

There are a great many different medical problems that can cause you to feel run-down. I would suggest that first you make sure that you are getting enough sleep and eating a nutritious diet, and if you still feel run-down after that, consult a doctor.

How do you say in spanish make love to me daddy?

"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?" ("Would you sleep with me tonight?") It's a quote from an old, but relatively famous, black-and-white romance movie.

How do you free diz in riddle transfer?

you ptthe creature cmunicater in the place at dezs feet where it belongs, when you do that two puzzles unlock and you have to solve them. the one on the right is simple you make te picture on the bottm look like the picture on the top. whn you complete that. a puzzlo top opens up. you make all 4 black dots turn white. on the right side a dezs feet there anoter puzzle... i gess ill leave you from here.. i still have to figure it out lol good luck!!. love the game by:shaun5000 you have to make numbers to answer the math questions on the left using the block things

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Does air conditioning make you sleepy?

It shouldn't. If you start feeling sleepy, light headed, etc. whenever you turn on your air conditioning, it may possibly be caused by a refrigerant leak in the evaporator.

Does smoking make you grumpy?

no katarina dancer smokes and shes not grumpy

Why do eggs make you sleepy?

Eggs contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can contribute to the production of serotonin and melatonin, which are known to promote relaxation and induce sleep. Additionally, eggs are a good source of protein, which can also aid in promoting a feeling of fullness and satisfaction that may contribute to feeling sleepy.

What is feeling cranky?

Feeling cranky is where you feel irratible, grumpy and frustrated. the term origionates from the noise or the feeling of some cranky things, for instance, a crank for a bridge would make a screechy noise, that is annoying, and frustrating to listen to. thats what I think anyway LOL xx

Why do fatty foods make you sleepy?

Fatty foods take longer to digest. More blood is required around the digestive system for a longer time. Since the blood is pooled there, it is drained away from the brain, hence the sleepy feeling.

What is a sentence with the word grumpy?

I am grumpy because I have not had my tea.Statistically, grumpy people make the most productive Chief Executives.My cat is so grumpy today because I sneezed and woke him up in the night.

How do you deal with having a grumpy adult sibling?

I used to just make him laugh, its hard to be grumpy when you are laughing

Is there an anti-nausea drug that does not make you sleepy?

Ginger. Safe,natural and won't make you sleepy.

Do contact lens make you yawn?

Yes, they can, especially during the adjustment period. Your eyes dry out faster and don't receive as much oxygen, which leads to the "sleepy" feeling.

Why does white noise make you sleepy?

Because there are certain sounds and frequencies or rhythmic noises that when heard it makes you sleepy do to the rhythm. It like when you're a baby when your mother sings to you. If the sound itself is soothing or calming you naturally get sleepy from it. That's why parents sing lullabies. To help there kids and babies sleep. :)

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