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Q: If you were 2 or three months pregnant would home kit pregnancy detect it?
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Related questions

Can you get pregNant three months into your pregnancy?

If your already pregnant and have sexual intercourse during anytime of your pregnancy you can not get pregnant.

How much weight normal in 7 months pregnancy?

In general, women gain pproximately 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy.

What is Trimester?

a trimester is 3 months of your pregnancy. there are 3 trimesters in a pregnancy. 1-3 months, 4-6 months, and 7-9 months.

Your wife had a baby about three months ago now she took a pregnancy test and it showed up positive faintly and then two the next morning which show negative Is that hormones from the first pregnancy?

Nope it sounds like your wife is pregnant again. Although rare to get pregnant again in the first three months after giving birth its been known to happen.

Can you get a false negative result from home pregnancy test?

heck yes you can. i just found out i am three months pregnant after taking three false negatives and then finally going to the doctor because i hasn't had my period for three months. and they told me i was pregnant. so yeah it i s possible. very much so.

Is it possible to tell if you are pregnant by feeling your stomach?

Not unless your are in your second trimester. Outward and obvious signs of pregnancy do not start until a woman is at least three months pregnant. Only a doctor or pregnancy test can accurately indicate whether you are pregnant in the first few months. Missing a period is a first sign....missing two is highly indicative.

Can people tell you are pregnant at two months?

Pregnancy is usually not obvious at this stage. If you mean can medical people tell, then yes, they can tell from about three weeks.

Can a pregnant woman have tetanus shot?

First dose to be taken in forth month. Second after one month and third in nineth month of pregnancy. This is applicable to first pregnancy. If next pregnancy is within five years of first pregnancy, you need to take single dose any time between three months onward.

What can rubella cause during the first three months of pregnancy?

miscarriage, stillbirth, or damage to the fetus during the first trimester (three months) of pregnancy.

How many months pregnant is Mariah Carey?

Mariah Carey is about three months pregnant I know her very well she is trying to stay away from the spotlight as much as she can till she's ready to tell the media and the whole world she will be announcing her pregnancy by the end of this month.

If you are pregnant will you have discharge?

yes you will i am going on three months pregnant now an i havethick white dischargeand cervical discharge,,,, many women get that during pregnancy.

How long is each pregnancy trimester?

three months