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Another Comedian


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Q: If you were a stand-up comedian who would you not want to have in your audience?
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Why didn't Will Smith do stand up?

For the same reason that you didn't . . . he didn't want to. After all, Will started out as a musician, then went into acting. Oddly, there is an English man named Will Smith who is a very successful standup comedian.

How is called the finance minister of the UK?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer (or chancer of the exchequer if you want a standup comedy line)

The producers of advertisements want the audience to?

They want the audience to buy products.

What did Joe Jonas want to be when he was younger?

A comedian

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What is audience awareness?

it is when you fart on the audience It is when you have to be aware of the audience and so that you give them what they need and what is appropriate. Audience in this context can mean different things. It could be an audience in a show, or it could be the audience for a lecture or a radio or television broadcast, and even through other kinds of media. If you do not know enough about your audience and what they like, want and don't like and don't want, then you will not do well. A comedian would use different types of jokes for different audiences. If the comedian tells the wrong kind of jokes, because he is not aware of the kind of audience he is working with, then his show will not do well, even though the same jokes would be found very funny by a different kind of audience. Performers need to know who their target audience is and they would use different things for different audiences. Other forms of media are the same. A newspaper has a readership that likes certain styles of writing and certain types of news. If they don't have the write kinds of things in their newspaper, then they will lose readers. Advertising also needs to know about their audience. During different kinds of TV shows, different types of adverts will be on TV. During a sports show, you are unlikely to see adverts about make-up, as people watching a sports show are less likely to be interested in that. By having audience awareness the advertisers can target their advertising so that the kind of audience that is watching a show is going to see adverts for products that they would be interested in. The style of the ad, like ages of actors in it and music playing in it might also be there to target a particular audience. Advertisers wanting to sell clothes to teenagers are unlikely to have old people in an advert and have music that teenagers don't listen to as part of the advert.

What is the target audience for most advertisers?

The target audience for most audience is the audience that would want to purchase a particular product. E.g. mortgage deals may be aimed at those who are thinking of buying a new home.

Who is the audience of a essay?

The audience of an essay is whomever you want to read it: it depends. If your writing an essay about animal cruelty you would want people who abuse animals or people who ignorant about it to read your essay.

What job did Joe Jonas want to have when he was younger?

A Comedian

What did joe Jonas want to be other then a musician?


What should you consider before developing a public presentation?

Who is the audience?What does the audience want to know?What is the best way to provide the audience with the information they want?

What did joe Jonas want to be before the Jonas brothers?

a comedian