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Probably the fish, but that depends on the type of fish.

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Q: If you were in a race were a fish was swimming in water and you were running on land who would win?
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If a fish was swimming in water at 23'C then what would be the body temperature of the fish?


What does Swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish mean?

it means your swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish.....get out!

What is the body temperature of a fish swimming in 60 degrees of water?

The body temperature of a fish swimming around in water that is 60 degrees would be 60 degrees also. This is because fish, unlike mammals, are coldblooded; they do not waste energy keeping their body temperature constant. Their body temperature would match that of the water around them.

How do fish travel under water?

by swimming

Will a tank full of water and a tank filled with water and fish swimming weigh the same on a scale?

That depends on the weight of the fish as compared to the weight of the water their bodies displace. If it's a heavy, dense fish, then the tank with the fish would weigh more. If it's a light, less dense fish, then the tank with water only would weigh more. This assumes that the water displaced has been removed from the tank, right? If you are adding the fish to the water then I think it should increase the weight regardless of the density of your fish. The question then might be, does the fish weigh less when it is swimming than it would on a dry scale?

What happens when fish gills are out of water?

If cartilaginous fish stopped swimming they would die. These fish need to be swimming to feed and keep their bodies hydrated.

What does los peces mean in English?

Pescado means fish (a fish ready eat). If the fish is in the water swimming, its called pez.

Why is my fish swimming really fast next to another fish swimming very fast?

they live in water and they have fins

What do fish look like when they're sleeping?

a fish, since it is in the water, and has no eyelids, would float underwater in place, with its eyes open. this is unlike the shark, who needs to constantly keep swimming to stay up in the water because it does not have air bladders to keep it up. if the shark were to stop swimming, it would immediately sink to the bottom. thank you very much for reading my answer.

What is the locomotion of animals?

There are many different forms of animal locomotion, the three main ones being -running -swimming -and flying Each of these have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In running animals have to deal with friction with the ground, however in swimming buoyancy counteracts the affects of gravity and the animal(fish) has to deal more with friction, also called "drag" when swimming through the water. This is why you often see fish with very streamlined bodies, this is to reduce drag from the water and allows them to swim faster.

Is a fish swimming water potential or kinetic energy?


What does it mean if pelicans are circling high in a group?

they are looking for their lunch that is swimming in the sea.