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Each day on Mercury lasts 58 days & 15 hours.. so the math to get to the answer will look like this,

a week on earth is 7 days.

  • 7X 58=Days (Days=the number of full days but not the partials HINT its more than 400 less than 410)

but we have hours left over so to account for them.

  • 7X15hrs= Remainder Hours (Remainder Hours= the total of all the remainder hours HINT the answer is more than 104 less than 109)

But Total Hour days is in hours not days so we have to divide by the number of earth hours in a day (24)

so the next math is Remainder Hours divided by 24 (Remainder Hours /24) = Days & fraction. lets call it X (Hint it's more than 4 less than 4.75)

add DAYS + X= answer... Hint more than 410.00

good luck!

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Q: If you were staying on mercury for one week how long would that be in earth days?
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Would a mercury year be longer or shorter than a earth year?

Shorter. Mercury has a shorter orbit than earth and 1 day in mercury = 59 days on Earth. 1 year on mercury= 88 days on earth.

How many earth days would equal one day on mercury?

It takes 88 Earth days to make one year on Mercury

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Mercury, at about 88 Earth days.

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It takes Mercury 58.65 earth days day to rotate so that would probly be the closest to 59-60 earth days

How many days in mercury equal a year in earth?

It takes about 88 of our days to orbit the sun.

How many days in mercury days is 7 down here on earth?

It takes Mercury 1407.6 Earth hours to make one full rotation around its axis. To find the number of days on Mercury that equals 7 on Earth, you would have to first convert this value to days:1407.6 hours = 58.65 daysSo, if 58.65 days on Earth = 1 day on Mercury, where the variable x represents the number of days on Mercury that equals 7 on Earth, then:1/x=58.65/71/x=8.38x= 0.119 days.Thus: For every 7 earth days, there is 0.119 Mercury days.

What is the length of day in relationship to earth days and mercury days?

1 Mercury day = 58.6 Earth days

How many earth days would have passed before mercury had experienced one mercurian day?

There are 1407.6 Earth hours during one full on Mercury. Thus, it will take approximately 59 Earth days for one day on Mercury.

How old would a 13 year old be on mercury?

If someone could live on Mercury and still used an Earth clock, they would be the same age, 13 Earth years.However, if you lived there and had measured your age as 13 Mercury years, you would be just 3 Earth years old. Mercury's year, the time it takes to go around the Sun, is only about 88 days. So 13 Mercury years would be 13 x 88 or just 1144 Earth days (3.13 Earth years). Mercury completes an orbit 4 times while Earth is making just one.Conversely, if you moved to Mercury and wanted to express your age here (13 Earth years) in Mercury years, you would say that you were almost 54 Mercury years old (You are 4745 Earth days old, which is 53.9 Mercury years).

How many Mercury days are there in a Mercury year?

88 earth days

How long are days in mercury in earth times?

one full day on mercury is 88 earth days

How many earth days dose it take to get to mercury?

That would depend on the speed.