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  1. It is considered one of the key events of the 20th century.
  2. Germany had a long-standing (and well deserved) reputation as a highly civilized country with outstanding achievements in the arts, science and technology, but committed genocide.
  3. It illustrates what has been called 'the banality of evil'. Most of those directly involved in committing the Holocaust were very ordinary people, almost boringly ordinary.
  4. There are no obvious 'lessons' to be learnt from the Holocaust. (History isn't a moral tale).
  5. The Allies did nothing specifically targeted at stopping or slowing down the Holocaust.
  6. Holocaust remembrance, which is not the same thing as Holocaust scholarship, has probably become the key feature of Jewish identity.

A little postscript. I'd make sure people I taught did not think the Holocaust was the same thing as World War 2.

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