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A parent is not required in most situations. However, a child advocate must be present to represent the best interests of the child.

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Q: If your 12 year old is accused of a sexual offense can police or cps speak with him without the parents present in NY state?
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Can you get car accident money without parent present at eighteen?

At this age you are considered an adult . Your parents do not have to be present. They no longer are responsible for you.

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Yes, but it's a better idea for a lawyer to be present.

Can you get a birth certificate without parents present?

In most of the countries, If you are 18 or above you can get your own birth certificate.

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Do principals have the right to question students without parents present when asking them about a criminal offense?

Police are able to interview the child at the school with the principal present in cases of suspected child abuse, however, I cannot find a law that specifically prevents you from or allows you to interview the child but I would definitely not recommend it without a police officer also present. Odds are if you involve the parent you are more likely to get the truth anyways (unless you are dealing with teenagers in which case you should definitely involve your resource officer; that you could probably do)

Can the police arrest a minor at home without the parents present?

In some situations, yes, the police can arrest a minor at home without their parents present, but they must follow specific protocols and have a valid reason for the arrest. Minors typically have the same legal rights as adults when it comes to being arrested.

By Law in NJ can minor students refuse to answer questions of school officials without parents present?

Absolutely! Plead the 5th. They mess with you if you don't talk, it's harrasment. Be calm & tell them you won't talk unless your parents are present.

Do you get a fine if driving without a license in Nova Scotia?

Yes. $285 for a first offense, $457 for a second offense, and $802 for third or subsequent offense.

Can school principal question a minor without their parents?

Yes, a school principal can question a minor without their parents present, as long as the questioning is related to school disciplinary issues and not of a criminal nature. However, it is generally recommended that parents be informed of any significant conversations or meetings with their child.

Is it illegal to interrogate a minor in Kentucky without a legal gardian?

A juvenile can be questioned by the police without his or her parents present as long as it is not considered to be a "custodial interrogation".Once the minor is taken into custody by police, a parent or guardian will be notified in order for them to come to the station. The police can question the minor without their parents present, howeever the minor is within their rights to remain silent and request a solicitor.

Can a 16 year old be charged without parents present?

If the child is being charged as a minor, it doesn't require parental consent.