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yea he would unless you are together

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Q: If your are 17 and you have a child by a 15 year old could you get child support?
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What if a 21 year old got a 13 year old pregnant and wants to put him on child support what will happen?

Two consequences are probable. First, the 21 year old male will be on the hook for child support. Secondly, he could very well be prosecuted for statutory rape.

A 16 year old girl is pregnant collect child support 23years old boyfriend?

Yes he has to pay child support.

Can you apply for child support for a 17 year old if there was never a child support order by the court?


You did not know that you have a 15 year old child do you owe back child support?

Child support accrues from the moment the support order is issued, not from the birth of the child.

What if your 16 year old is a father do you still pay support?

Yes, and you could also be ordered to pay child support on the grandchild if he is unable to pay it.

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Who pays child support for the 14 year old who fathers a child in Georgia?

If you are asking who pays the support for the child the 14 year old just fathered, the state will look into it and whomever the state decides to give custody will receive child support from the other parent.

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Can you adopt a 15 year old from a mother that gets child support and not take the child support?

No, as the payor has to approve the adoption

Can you apply for child support after age 18 in Georgia?

If by that you mean can YOU, the 18 year old get it then no. It's called CHILD benefit for a reason.Another View: Define what you mean by "child support." Child support from WHO for the support of WHO?

Can an eighteen year old boy be held responsible for child support?

Technically You are of legal age so yes you could be held responsible for child my suggestion pay your child support it speaks words...your suppporting your child :) Hello!!! A 15 year old boy can be held responsible for child support. If you you do the deed than you can pay the price or go to jail!

Who receives the child support if the 17 year old child moves out in Georgia?

If the child marries, it stops, otherwise it continues to go to the parent. A motion could be filed to transfer the payee, but by the time it got into court, the support order will have discontinued.