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Well, nature is funny in this way. She either senses something wrong with it or she may not be willing to care for too many. If you do put the baby back with her she may eat it. I would caution you to be there and watch to see how she reacts. If she snubs or tries to hurt it, your going to have to eye dropper feed it. Call a vet or humane society to ask what exactly you should feed them.

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Q: If your hamster's mother abandoned one baby should you return it to the nest?
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When will the newborn hamster need water?

Hi, Of course, hamsters should always have fresh water. I replace my hamsters water every morning and every night if that's needed. Hope this helped, HorseLuverHeart xD

What if a separate the baby hamster from the mother?

You should separate the baby hamsters from the mother when they are 4-5 weeks old. Hamsters are solitary creatures and should be kept in separate cages after they reach this age. If you keep them together, they will fight, sometimes to the death and/or reproduce. Female hamsters are sexually mature at 2 months old. They can become pregnant every 3-4 days (estrus) and their pregnancy lasts 16-18 days.

What do hamsters do when the hibernate and when do the usually do it?

In the wild they hibernate by sleeping in the winter. But as a pet, hamsters do not hibernate as they should be warm all winter because they should live indoors.

What should i do I am getting to hamsters if they mate and she has babies should i get them out of the cage immediately so she doesn't eat them?

If she does have babies, take the male out so she WON'T eat them. She may get stressed. Also, don't get the baby hamsters out of the cage. They will probably die, and if you put them back in the cage, the mother hamster may eat them. Just watch the baby hamsters and the mother hamster. Hope this helped. DON'T TAKE THE BABIES OUT OF THE CAGE!!!!! With out the mom the babies will die. And if you put the babies back before they die she will eat them. Besure to take the male out yhe cage. If she feels like here babies are indangered she will eat them.good luck.

Should 2 female robovski hamsters live together?

sure! as long as they aren't syrian hamsters, they will get along nicely

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How should i feed newborn hamsters if they don't have a mother?

Not a clue

Should you let the mother of the baby hamsters eat them?

No of course not

When can your newborn hamsters leave his mother?

they should be aroud 3 weeks or 4

What should I do with an abandoned elk calf I found today?

If the calf is very young, it is not abandoned. The mother will leave the calf to draw away any predators. The mother will go back as soon as she thinks it is safe to do so.

How are you supposed to handle the newborn hamsters?

You shouldn't handle the newborn hamsters, or pinkies. The mother knows everything she needs to do to take care of them herself. Just make sure the mother has plenty of food and water, and everything should be fine.

When should baby hamsters be taken from the mother?

When they are completely weaned and can eat on their own. Around 3 to 4 weeks.

What is the fathers rights if a mother has abandoned his child and the child is at the in laws home?

he should be able to simply take the child.

When can you separate a baby hamster from a mother hamster after giving birth?

no because you should not because different hamsters breast feed

Where the heck do hamsters come from?

hamsters come from their mamma hamsters i should know i breed them

Should the exclusionary rule be abandoned?

Yes, the Exculsionary Rule should be abandoned.

What should hamsters play with on hamsters 2?

well they should play with toys on the game

How old do hamsters have to be to play in their ball?

Baby hamsters leave there mother at two weeks old. They should not be separated from her until around 6 weeks old, so I would wait until this age before you try this.