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Liability for debts varies greatly by circumstances. And the assumption is that the wife inherits at least half, if not all, of the husband's assets. But the estate has to liquidate all debts before they can transfer them to the spouse. One way or another, the spouse ends up paying the debt. The spouse has some right in all real property owned by the husband. If the assets are not enough to cover the debt, the real property may have a lien placed against it to cover those debts.

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Q: If your husband dies are you liable for his debts?
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No. The deceased person's estate is liable for any of the debts of that person, but heirs are not liable for debts if the assets in the estate are not enough to cover the debts.

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Most states, yes, so is likely if incurred during union.

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Only if they guaranteed the bills or debts. The estate needs to be set up to handle the debts. If there are no assets in the estate, it can close the debts.

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In Arkansas the estate will be responsible. The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

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The estate is generally liable for all bills and expenses (not you). Hire a probate attorney to help sort this out. The estate will need an executor.

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When someone dies, any debts they leave are paid out of their 'estate' (the money and property they leave behind). You're only responsible for their debts if you had a joint loan or agreement or provided a loan guarantee - you aren't automatically responsible for a husband's, wife's or civil partner's debts.

If your husband dies are you responsible for his debts in Florida?

The wife is not directly responsible unless she is on the insurance or contract. Most courts would rule that the spouse benefits from the debts and can be held responsible. The estate should pay the debts before she can inherit anything.

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The estate is liable for the obligations of the deceased. They would have to settle the debts.

If my husband owns a property with his ex-wife and they share the mortgage on the property am I liable for anything if he dies or defaults on the loan?

No. If he dies and defaults on the loan the bank's recourse is to take possession of the property by foreclosure. The bank has no claim against you.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for her deceased husband's debts in Oklahoma?

The debts of the deceased are the responsibility of the descesed's estate. The estate must resolve the debts before any money goes to the heirs. Consult a probate attorney in your jurisdiction for help. From your question it would appear that your husband died without leaving any money or property, if this is the case then there would be no money available to settle debts. However, if your hsband and you shared ownwrship of your house then his half of the house would be liable to settle these debts. If you are in problems the best course of action is to see an attorney.