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Wisconsin is a community property state. That means whatever individual property you bring to the marriage, or acquire by an individual gift or inheritance, remains your individual property.

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Yes you can claim for the share in the inherited money. As the divorce has not yet come through.

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Q: If your spouse inherits money during your marriage in New York state and he files for divorce are you entitled to any of the inherited money?
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That's between the two of you. your entitled to at least half of everything.

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No, not as long as it remained separate property during your marriage.

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Probably not. There are a few rare exceptions if the judge feels the distribution of property in the divorce is extremely unjust - but good luck with that.

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You must have been married 10 years.

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No, step-children are not entitled to money from a step-parent unless specifically named in the will. If their parent inherits from a will, they might be entitled to inherit from their parent's estate. However, most divorces include a statement that any will written prior to the divorce is considered null and void as it pertains to the spouse.

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You will have to work out the terms of your divorce with your attorney and your spouse's attorney. A lot depends on how much you had as a married couple and whether or not you signed a prenup.

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No. She inherited it after the divorce and not even in the same country. Not likely to get much in the way of a settlement.

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No, the wife is entitled to what the court deems fair.

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If you can prove it, you're homefree.

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He can get a divorce with or without her cooperation if he wants one. Check your state's laws, Most states now have "no fault" divorce policies which means it doesn't matter what his wife did or didn't do, he can still divorce her. She may be entitled to a portion of his pension depending on the length of the marriage and state laws.

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Yes, he may have a valid claim. You should discuss the matter with an attorney who specializes in divorce law.

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The divorce rate for the first marriage is 41%. The divorce rate for the second marriage is 60%. The divorce rate for the third marriage is 73%.