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The mother and the babies will be perfectly fine.

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Q: If your rabbit got another rabbit pregnant before he died will it have any affect on the mother or the babies?
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Normally when you see that they are on the verge of having babies you would put them in a separate tank and then take the mum out as soon as she has the babies.

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Yes, if one of them was pregnant before they got together.

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Smoking cigarettes is probably the number 1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies. Complications that occur frequently are: babies born prematurely, babies born too small or babies who die before they can be born at all.

Will pizza hurt the baby if you r pregnant?

Well most certainly yesjust like watermelons will kill babies before conception

I have two female rabbits one of them got pregnant with my friends male rabbit my question is will the baby rabbits be all right with another female around?

It will take around a month until the babies are born. You'll need to separate the female rabbits before she gives birth and until the babies have grown up. You should be able to put them back together after. But the rabbit without babies may get jealous and kill the babies.

How can you tell when your rabbit will have her babies?

Count 30 days from when she was mated. About 2 days before she has her babies she should start to build a nest, this is another indicator!

If you had a guinea pig two months and they as pregnant the first mouth how long have they got left?

about another month, but make sure you have done some research on this please before you have babies, it can be dangerous if the pregnant female is over ten months old! So please, read up on this, if you don't want to cause harm on you animal!

How do you know your lab is pregnant?

Well, I thought my dog was pregnant, and she was. But her babies died in her. You will notice an increase in weight gain. Also, her nipples will get fat. I recommend taking her to a vet. That is the best before it's to late.