

If your sixteen can you date someone that's eighteen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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There really isn't a problem with it. There are no laws about dating ages, so it is legal to date. There are laws about sexual activity and depending on the state, this is probably not an issue either. In most places you have to be at least 16 to consent, if not 17 or 18.

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Q: If your sixteen can you date someone that's eighteen?
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IS it illegal to date someone over eighteen if you are under eighteen?

No, but in most states it is technically illegal to have sex.

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That is up to the parents. There are no laws regarding dating. Both are over the age of consent in most places.

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Yes. 18 is considered an adult.

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As long as there is no more than a four year age difference.

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ye si t is legal as long as there are no sexual relations

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May 4 1992 and up makes someone 18 or older.

If your sixteen can you date someone over the age of eighteen?

When it comes to love, it doesn't matter what the age gap is. I'm 16 but i have dated people who are 22. Just do what your heart tells you to and you will be fine and happy. Don't let your friends bring you down, it's your choice and your life, not theirs.

Is it legal for a thirty year old to date a sixteen year old in Las Vegas?

NO! you definitely should not date someone that old at that age

Can a 16 year old date someone 13 in Ohio?

as long as they are both under eighteen, it doesnt matter

Is it against the law for an eighteen year old male to date a sixteen year old female?

Varies by state, check your local laws. (dating is never against the law, but sex might be)