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There are other things that can make someone late for their period. An ovarian cyst may be the reason, or it could be stress, pelvic immflamitory disease, endometriosis, eptopic pregnancy, and probably some other things. If her gynocoligist doesn't look further into this, maybe she she go elsewhere. And if you give it a little more time, try another test, it could just be too soon. The cyst should not interfere with the blood test, but it may have interfered with her ovulation. If you and your wife are trying to conceive and she tracks her ovulation, this month may not be accurate. If the cyst ruptures, it may cause premature or late ovulation, or ovulation may not have occured.

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Q: If your wife is late for her period and has had 4 negative home pregnancy tests and a negative blood test but she has an ovarian cyst could that make the outcome of the tests wrong?
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You are sexually active and you have tested negative for pregnancy Why are you not having your period?

Could you possibly have an ovarian cyst? A study I read recently attributes irregular cycles to ovarian cysts. Stress from a late cycle will also cause your cycle to be late.

Is pregnancy still possible after having a period and negative test?

No, a period and a negative HPT (used at the appropriate time) indicates no pregnancy.

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What can delay a period?

Pregnancy, extreme weight loss i.e anorexia, ovarian cysts and other conditions

Can you have no period and negative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

The negative pregnancy test is the defining answer, regarding pregnancy - once your period is a week or so late - if you are pregnant, the hCG will be high enough to be detected.

You took a pregnancy test and it was negative then you had your period 2 days later was it your period or pregnancy bleeding?

Most likely your period. You're probs not pregnant.

I am Missing menustrual cycle but not peregnent how is this?

It is possible to miss a period, be pregnant, and have a negative pregnancy test. In the early stages of pregnancy, the levels of beta HCG hormone (the hormone of pregnancy) is too low to be detected. Other possibilities include hormonal imbalance and ovarian disorder. Repeating the pregnancy test in another week or two may help sort things out.

Period and negative pregnancy test?

. . . means that you arent pregnant.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test then a negative pregnancy test and light period and still be pregnant?


Hi i have missed my period it was due 4 days ago and i usually have regular periods ive had pregnancy symptoms but had negative tests has this happened to anyone n what was the outcome?

i am in the same boat, i went to the doc's office today and got a negative result for pregnancy, dunno y i m NT gtting my periods.

No period in 2 months and negative pregnancy test?

This is known as secondary amenorrhea. It can be caused by many things including, but not limited to, excessive exercise, hormonal imbalance, medications side effect, ovarian disorder, and thyroid disorder... to name few.

If home pregnancy test negative can you still be pregnant and get your period?

No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.