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you may have to serve the remainder of your sentence

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Q: Im on federal probation and have dirty urine drops your probation officer is asking that you be revoked how much time can you get?
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Where can convicted felons rent from in Fargo North Dakota?

Try asking your probation officer.

What is it called when a probationer violates a term of probation?


What happens if you go in on a probation violations and your top date passes while you wait for you revoke hearing?

This question cannot be answered on this venue due to lack of sufficient information. It would best be answered by contacting your Probation Officer and asking.

What happens if you get caught shoplifting while on probation for shoplifting?

If you are caught shoplifting while on probation for shoplifting, it could lead to serious consequences. You may face additional charges for the new offense, and your probation could be revoked. This can result in harsher penalties, such as extended probation, fines, community service, or even jail time, depending on the specifics of your case and the discretion of the judge.

Can you get a drivers license in California if you have a probation violation?

Depends on what one is 'on probation' for. If it was a DUI offense, a drivers license might be suspended for a specified period (depending on the state) and possibly up to 3 years . If the person is not on a DUI probation, and has met all the requirements of the probation order, one would think they can progress in life and get the license. Would possibly advise that you be asking your probation officer this question, too.

Does there have to be a search warrant for a probation search?

If the probation officer is conducting the search then he must be there for it. Every state has its own procedures for conducting searches on their probation clients. Police generally cannot assist probation officers with their search, but probation officers can assist police with theirs. But police must still have a search warrant, while probation officers don't-- IF such search is allowed as part of the subject's condition of the probation. In practice, however, probation officers don't help police with their search because they can easily and unknowingly contaminate the evidence or crime scene. Probation officers' searches generally have a different purpose than police searches. If you're asking if the subject's probation officer must be there to conduct a search, then generally yes, they cannot substitute another probation officer for the subject's assigned PO.

What if your a minor caught with weed past curfew?

It would depend on the offense of the crime. When your proabation officer finds out, then your probation could be revoked & any suspended sentence you received as a term of your probation could be imposed. Not to mention the "trouble" that you just got into the police with.

Meeting with your probation officer in 10 days is it important for you to tell your use of Oxycontin in drug history if you used it today and the past 2 weeks 40 mgday?

YES Having worked as a parole/probation officer for many years I can say that there is really nothing that you should not tell your probation officer, especially when it could affect the outcome of your probation. No detail is too small to mention, especially if you are asking yourself if you should mention it or not. The individuals I had on my caseload that were willing to tell me the truth, I would work to the end of the world for. If they were actively trying to deceive me, they were not worth my effort, and I would explain this philosophy to them at our first meeting. (note this is the first time im going there i just signed up for an interview and will i be tested then)

Can you leave the country if you are on probation for a punishment lower than a misdemeanor?

It depends on the specific terms of your probation. Generally, if you are on probation for a lesser offense than a misdemeanor, you may still be able to leave the country with permission from your probation officer or the court. It is important to obtain clearance before traveling internationally to avoid any potential legal consequences.

Will you go to jail for a motion to revoke on misdemeaors?

It depends on the circumstances. If you are found in violation of the terms of your probation or parole due to a motion to revoke on misdemeanors, you could face consequences such as fines, community service, or imprisonment. However, the severity of the punishment will vary based on the specific details of the case and the judge's ruling.

Can a person reject probation after a probation revocation hearing has been set?

A person cannot be set for a probation revocation hearing unless they have already been sentenced to probation. If you are asking if a person can request to do their prison time instead of being released again to probation then yes they can. It may sound odd, but it does happen.

Can you be revoked for not paying the full amount of restitution each month?

Yes, failing to pay the full amount of restitution each month can result in revocation as it violates the terms of your agreement with the court. It is important to fully comply with the restitution order to avoid facing consequences such as revocation of probation or other penalties.