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You would only need to know the accleration of the cart, and it's mass. Since there are wheels on the cart, you shouldn't have to worry about friction. It is as simple as newtons second law Force = mass times accleration. If you know two of these quantities, you can solve the equation for the third. Hope this helps!

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2w ago

To calculate the force you are applying while pushing the shopping cart, you would need to know the mass of the shopping cart (including its contents), the acceleration or speed at which you are pushing it, and the direction in which you are applying the force. This information allows you to use the formula F = ma, where F is the force applied, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration.

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Q: Imagine you are pushing a shopping cart what do you need to know in order to calculate how much force you are applying?
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List 5 different examples of a pushing force?

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The opposite of push is pull. Pushing involves applying force away from oneself, while pulling involves applying force towards oneself.

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Pushing or pulling an object. Applying pressure or tension to an object. Impacting an object to change its speed or direction.

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