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Q: Important monuments during James K. Polk?
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What important event happended while James K. Polk was president?

The Mexican War was the biggest event during the Polk Administration.

Who was the President of the US during the war with Mexico?

James K. Polk (term 1845-1849) was President of the United States during the Mexican-American War.

Why was James Polk important?

He was a U.S. President.

Who was president of the US during the Mexican American war?

U.S President James K. Polk.

Who was the president during the Mexican Cession?

James Knox Polk

Who was the US President during the Mexico war?

James Polk

Why is James K. Polk important?

James k. polk was important because he added a vast area to the United States. He also never backed down to right for what he wanted.

What does the k in James K. Polk?

The "K" in James Polk's name stands for Knox

What war was James Polk involved with?

Polk asked Congress to declare war on Mexico and was President during its duration.

Who led the nation during the war with Mexico?

James K. Polk.

Was James K. Polk the youngest president during that time?


Who was the president during the Manifest Destiny?

James K. Polk. :)