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Q: Impulses are carried away from the brain and spinal cord by the?
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Neurons carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord?


What is the part of the body made up of bundles of neurons that carry impulses from all parts of the body to the brain and from the brain to all parts of the body?

The nervous system carries impulses to and from the brain by way of neurons. The bundles are called nerves. Sensory nerves bring impulses into the spinal cord and brain and motor neuron carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands.

What is the bundle of nerve fibers that send messages to the brain which interprets them?

The nerves that carry impulses toward the brain are called efferent nerves. Afferent nerves carry impulses away. In way to remember this is afferent equals away.

Where does the spinal nerve take nerve impulses?

the spinal nerve sends nerve impulses away from the CNS

What neuron moves the impulses to the brain?

The brain is the control, and the whole reaction of a reflex arc starts with a stimulus, ie, touching a hot flame, the detector of this stimulus being the receptor. The electrical impulses travel through the sensory neuron to which it is then carried to the synapse (impulses reach the brain) the energy is then transferred across the synapse, to the relay neuron and then to the motor neuron, finally reaching the effector, (mainly muscle or gland) to move away the body part.

What messages are carried away from the brain and spinal cord?

What system is the thyroid, adrenal glands,and the pancreas part of

What neurons carry impulses away from the spinal cord and the brain?

the sensory neurons

What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for issuing nerve impulses and analyzing sensory data?

The answer is the central send impulses and the brain and spinal chord are used in this application.

Path way of the message to the nervous system?

The stimuli will be picked up by the sensory neurons then nerve impulses travel to your spinal cord. Those nerve impulses return to motor neurons that will react (like you pull your hand away, or you yell) as you react the nerve impulses travel to your brain.

What nerve carries impulses away from the brain?

Motor or efferent nerves.

What is the difference between afferent and efferent pathways?

The major difference is the direction of travel for nerve impulses. In the afferent nervous system, the impulses are traveling away from the brain - these tend to be motor impulses. In the efferent nervous system, the impulses are traveling towards the brain - these tend to be sensory impulses.