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Sad and sweet. He had fallen in love with his teacher, but for reasons of his stunted emotional growth could not properly pursue the relationship, or when having it, consumate it.

Near the end, as his IQ was dropping, he was able to consumate it, though. It was rather bittersweet, as both of them knew that he would soon be retarded again.

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Q: In 'Flowers for Algernon' the love between Charlie and Alice Kinnian is what?
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Who are the main characters in 'Flowers for Algernon'?

The main characters in "Flowers for Algernon" are Charlie Gordon, an intellectually disabled man who undergoes an experimental surgery to increase his intelligence, and Algernon, a laboratory mouse who has already undergone the same surgery. Other significant characters include Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur, the scientists who perform the surgery on Charlie.

What is the difference between Charlie and Algernon?

charlie is a mouse and algernon is a human No! Algernon is the mouse. Charlie Gordon is the human and narrator of the story.

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"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe and "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes both explore themes of isolation and personal growth. While there are similarities between the two works in terms of character development and survival, there is no direct foreshadowing of Charlie's experiences in "Robinson Crusoe" that predicts the specific events that will happen to him in "Flowers for Algernon."

What are the similarities between the short story and the novel Flowers for Algernon?

Both the short story and the novel "Flowers for Algernon" explore the themes of intelligence, humanity, and the consequences of artificial enhancement. They both follow the story of Charlie Gordon, a mentally challenged man who undergoes an experimental procedure that dramatically increases his intelligence, leading to profound changes in his life.

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In order to make a comparison we have to have two items. We could note similarities and differences between Flowers for Algernon and some other work of fiction, but you have not stated any.

In the book Flowers for Algernon what is the relevance of Paradise Lost?

"Paradise Lost" is referenced in "Flowers for Algernon" to draw parallels between Charlie's transformation and Adam and Eve's fall from grace. Both stories explore themes of knowledge, innocence, and the consequences of pursuing forbidden knowledge. The reference helps to emphasize the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by the characters in the novel.

What is the plot in Flowers for Algernon?

"Flowers for Algernon" is a novel about a mentally disabled man named Charlie who undergoes an experimental surgery to increase his intelligence. As Charlie becomes more intelligent, he grapples with the complexities of human relationships, his own identity, and the consequences of scientific advancement. Ultimately, the story explores themes of intelligence, ethics, and the importance of empathy and compassion.

What is the setting for 'Flowers for Algernon'?

"Flowers for Algernon" is set in New York City in the 1960s. The story follows the protagonist, Charlie Gordon, as he undergoes an experimental surgical procedure to increase his intelligence. The urban setting plays a significant role in highlighting the contrast between Charlie's internal transformation and the external world around him.

What are similarities between flowers for Algernon and the awakening?

They both did not have fathers in their lives. Secondly they both were disabled and then become smart. Lastly they both start to decrease bringing them back to their original state.

Who refused the engagement between cecily and algernon?


What is the difference between plants with flowers an plants without flower?

the plants without flowers HAVE no flowers ! and the plants with flowers DO HAVE flowers :P