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Q: In 'Flowers for Algernon' why does Charlie want to be smart so badly?
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Related questions

Who is the protagonist in the story flowers for algernon?

Charlie Gordon

Was Algernon from flowers of Algernon a shrew?

No, Algernon was not a shrew in "Flowers for Algernon." He was a laboratory mouse who underwent an experimental surgery to increase his intelligence. His story parallels that of the main character, Charlie Gordon, who undergoes the same procedure.

What is Charlie's self impression in flowers for Algernon before the surgery?

Before the surgery in "Flowers for Algernon," Charlie sees himself as intellectually disabled and believes that he is not as smart as others. He is aware of his limitations and struggles with feelings of inadequacy and alienation from society.

How did charlie's friends react to his becoming smarter in flowers for algernon?

they would feel scared to be around Charlie, because of how smart he was compared to them at the bakery

In the book of Flowers to Algernon why does charlie Gordon gets fired?

because, of how smart he got it made people fear him

What is the resolution in Flowers for Algernon?

Charlie runs away to New York where no one will know he was once smart so he can start over.

What to the three blind mice signify in flowers for algernon?

The three blind mice nursery rhyme is used in "Flowers for Algernon" to symbolize Charlie's own journey of innocence, vulnerability, and loss of self-awareness as his intelligence increases. It parallels his own experiences of feeling out of place and struggling to find his way in a changing world.

What happens to charlie in flowers for Algernon?

Charlie identifies with Algernon as they are going through exactly the same process. Charlie's last words are 'put some flowers on Algernon's grave in the bak yard.'

What are three parallel episodes in Flowers for Algernon?

read the book he always wanted to be smart. ;)

How did Charlie solve his problems in 'Flowers for Algernon'?

His Uncle got it for him, by having his friend who owned Donner's Bakery hire him.

Who are antagonists in flowers for algernon?

One is Charlie's intelligence because he makes him lose his job, and some people can't understand him (because he's so smart). Another antagonist is one of the doctors because he is against Charlie doing the procedure.

What is it that charlie and algernon hace in common?

Because they both went through the same operation to get smart.