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Q: In 1620 the ship Mayflower landed in this state?
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In 1620 what ship went to Plymouth?

The Mayflower landed near Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.

When did the voyage of the mayflower take place?

The ship left England in September of 1620 and landed in America in November 1620.

What are the names of the ships that landed at Plymouth rock?

The Mayflower landed at Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.

What was the ship that brought the Pilgrims to the New World called?

The ship that left England for the Americas in 1620 was called the Mayflower. The Mayflower Brought The Pilgrims To America From England. they landed in new England

Where did the puritans migrated to New England to where?

In 1620 the ship Mayflower landed on the Massachusetts coast and began Plymouth colony.

When the puritans come to the US?

In 1620 onboard the ship Mayflower landed in Mass. after being blown off course for VA.

Where did the mayflower set sail from?

The Mayflower set sail for America from Plymouth, England on June 6, 1620. The 100 foot ship carried 102 passengers and 30 crew members. The Mayflower landed at Cape Cod sometime around November 15, 1620.

What is the Speedwell ship?

The Speedwell ship was a ship that sailed with the Mayflower in 1620.

What was the name of the ship that transported the pilgrims to America in 1620?

The Mayflower.

What was the name of the ship that the pilgrims came to america?

Answerthe Mayflower Incorrect, not the Mayflower. The first registered ship out of England carrying Pilgrims was the Speedwell in 1620. Listen don't text.what is the ship that brought the pilgrams to america

What ship made it's famous journey in 1620?
