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Q: In 1790 the U.S. government did not count what race as part of the population?
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In 1790 the government did not count who as part of the population?

Native Americans

In 1790 the U.S. government did not count as part of the population?

Slaves were only counted as 3/4 of a person.

Who In 1790 the US government did not count as part of the population?

Slaves were only counted as 3/4 of a person.

What was the main purpose of three fifths compromise?

The Three-Fifths Compromise outlined the process for states to count slaves as part of the population in order to determine representation and taxation for the federal government.

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Why did the northern states not want to count slaves?

The northern states didn't have slavery as the southern states did, and they were smaller. They were afraid that if slaves were counted as part of the population that would give the southern states an advantage when they were represented in Congress. In 1790 35% of the population in VA was slave, so that can make a difference in the balance of power between states.

What must the government do every ten years in The United States according to The US Constitution?

The government must conduct a nationwide Census of citizens every ten years in The United States according to The US Constitution. The US Census, in part, helps determine the mapping for political districts and the use of Federal government monies.

Which part of government has representation based on population?

House of Representatives

Were there any problems with the Constitutional Convention?

One of the major problems/differences was that the smaller states were afraid that the larger states would have more power in the government. The discussion concerning if there would be two houses in Congress compared to one brought this out. States like Del were afraid that a southern state like VA who counted slaves as part of the population would have more votes in Congress. In 1790 35% of the population in VA was slave giving them a large population count. The compromise came in the VA Plan where two houses were set up in Congress. The Senate gave each state two Senators and the House was based on population. To eliminate the advantage of slaves in the count each slave was counted as only 3/4 of a person.

What religions were in 1790-1825?

There were too many to count. It depends on what part of the world you are looking at but the major players would have been Buhddism, Hinduism, Islam, Eastern Orthodoxy, the various Protostants, and Roman Catholicism.

What city at one time held Washington D.C.?

Washington DC was founded in 1790. At that time the closest population center was the city of Georgetown. DC was never a part of a larger city.

Did Rufus King want to count slaves as population?

No, Rufus King did not want to count slaves as part of the population for the purpose of representation in Congress. He was against including slaves in the population count because he believed it would give slave-holding states more political power even though slaves were not treated as equal citizens.