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to starve the british and close their factories

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Q: In 1807 what was Jefferson strategy to declare and embargo on great Britain?
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In 1807 Thomas Jefferson persuaded Congress to declare an embargo on Great Britain. What was Jefferson strategy?

To starve the British and close their factories

In 1807 Thomas Jefferson persuaded Congress to declare an embargo on Great Britain What was Jefferson's strategy?

To starve the British and close their factories

Why did Jefferson want congress to declare an embargo?

jefferson wanted to declare an embargo in order to keep America Neutral. jefferson wanted to stay out of the war between France a Britain, and by declaring an embargo he would not trade with either sides, this way he would not have to choose sides.

Why did President Jefferson get the Embargo Act passed?

Jefferson preferred the embargo act of 1807 to because he hoped that it would prevent a war between the United States and Britain.

How was embargo an alternative to war?

Thomas Jefferson who favored an embargo rathern than war with Britain. That led to the Embargo Act, passed in 1807 by Congress. Iyt was ment to punish Britain and French resaulting in them loosing a huge amount of money.

What were the original intentions and actual results of Jefferson's embargo?

Jefferson instituted the embargo of 1807 in response to the impressment of American sailors by Britain. Outraged, Americans called for a war with Britain. The embargo was enacted as a chastisement of Britain and France to force them to respect American neutrality, cease impressment and end the attacks on American ships. The result, however, was an economic disaster for the United States, which resulted in great wins by the opposing Federalist party.

Why did Thomas Jefferson order the embargo against great Britain in 1807?

To prevent the british impressment of American sailors- novanet

Why did Thomas Jefferson order embargo against great Britain in 1807?

To prevent the british impressment of American sailors- novanet

What did Jefferson do to pressure Britain and France prior to the Embargo Act?

He stopped trade between them. He tought Britain and France needed all their goods to trade. So he thought they were going to come back but they did now and eventually the Embargo Act Occured.

By placing a WHAT on trade Jefferson hoped to reduce tension between Britain. France. and the United States?

Embargo... I'm 100% sure!

Which president enforced the Embargo Act?

Thomas Jefferson enforced the Embargo Act.

Who was president during the embargo?

Thomas Jefferson was president when the Embargo Act of 1807 was passed.