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Q: Which European nation had the largest colonial empire in Africa by 1914?
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Which European nation had the largest colonial empire in Africa in 1914?

ANSWER Great Britain this is false

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Portugal was the first European nation to explore and start colonies in which area?

The Portuguese Empire was the longest colonial European empire, with its inception dating back to its capture of Cueta in North Africa in 1415 CE. With its European borders safe from attack, Portugal was free to expand and explore other regions. It became the first European nation to explore and establish colonies in west Africa.

Which country has the largest colonial empire?

Today is Danmark

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Yes. The Songhai Empire was the largest empire that West Africa and even Africa had ever seen.

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The British colonial Empire had the largest colonial extent of all countries. It owned colonies on every continent, of course leaving out Antarctica.

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The Ghana empire also known as Wagadu was the largest empire to ever exist in Africa. It expanded from Cameroon to Maghreb

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The greatest European powers included Rome, Holy Roman Empire, France, and the Byzantine Empire.

What empire controlled almost all of Europe and parts of Africa?

The European Empire

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Which country had the largest colonial empire at one time?

Great Britain

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it is the french colonial empire