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Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9

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Q: In 1994 what celestial object slammed into jupiter?
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What happened to Jupiter in 1994?

From July 16 through July 22, 1994, pieces of an object designated as Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter.

Which planet was hit by a comet in 1994?

Jupiter. Jupiter was hit in 1994 by a comet called Shoemaker Levy9.

How often do comets crash into Jupiter?

Shoemaker-Levy9 crashed in to Jupiter in 1994.

When was Escape from Jupiter created?

Escape from Jupiter was created on 1994-04-10.

When did Escape from Jupiter end?

Escape from Jupiter ended on 1994-07-03.

Why did the comet impacts of 1994 not create craters on Jupiter?

Jupiter does not have a solid surface on which a crater could form.

How long does it take SHoemaker-Levy9 to do one complete orbit?

Not any more. It crashed into Jupiter in 1994 See link for more information

What planet was hit by comet shoemaker levy9?

Jupiter in 1994 it took an entire week for the 21 pieces to crash into Jupiter

What was the comet that created a dramatic astronomical event in 1994?

Comet Shoemaker Levy-9 it collided with Jupiter in 1994.

How old would i be if i was on Jupiter if i was born in 1994?

The same age you are now

1994 comet shoemaker levy 9 crashed into what planet?


Does Jupiter have any impacts?

Yes. In 1994 Commet Shoemaker-Levey collided with Jupiter. I don't know if there were any others, but probably.