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if you think your pregnant and you don't wanna say anything too my mom and dad what should i do?

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Q: In 2 weeks of pregnancy does your belly button start to grow out?
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At 18 weeks pregnant should the spot under your belly button still be soft?

According to my midwife, it is normal for your uterus to come up to about an inch or two below your belly button at this point in pregnancy. Around 20 weeks, it should reach, or almost reach, your belly button.

Is cramping around the belly button and below normal in 9 weeks of pregnancy Im worried?

I would consult your doctor about it.

At how many weeks do you get the line on your belly while pregnant?

You can get the line on your belly after ten weeks of pregnancy.

Is it normal if your belly is getting hard above your belly than under your belly button?

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my belly button has started to get firmer. My belly is also firmer and fuller, which is normal. My belly button is also a bit sore at times...I think this is because around weeks 16-20 it will start to pop out, which is also normal. your worries.

Could a fetus pull on an umbilical cord at 29 weeks of pregnancy causing pain around the belly button area?

yes it can pull, no it shouldn't cause pain because the umbilical cord is not attached to your belly button, its attached to the placenta.

When will you belly get hard during pregnancy?

around twelve weeks

When does a pregnant woman's belly button start to stick out?

That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.

How long after you get your belly button pierced can you tan?

5 weeks

How big will one's stomach grow when 9 weeks pregnant?

Every pregnancy is different. Therefore, the size of a womens' belly while pregnant differs, by pregnancy and by women. Around nine weeks, some women might start showing.

What does the belly look like 14 weeks pregnant?

It' different for every woman and every pregnancy. My 1st pregnancy my belly was a small basket ball at 14 weeks. My 2nd pregnancy I didn't even show until the end of my 5th month.

How much time does it take in the mothers belly for pregnancy?

40 weeks from conception

Is there any change in belly during ten weeks pregnancy?

no not normally but some rarly start to get a ver small pouch at the bottom of the belly.