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Napoleon's enforcers

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Q: In Animal Farm what new role do the dogs take on when Snowball is driven away they are?
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In the book Animal Farm how does napoleon get rid of snowball?

He takes Bluebell's and Jessie's 9 puppies away and trains them as his guard dogs. Then he uses them to run Snowball off Animal Farm

In the book animal farm how was Napoleon able to convince the other animals that snowball was a total traitor?

Napoleon convinces the farm animals with the help of Squealers help that Snowball is on the same side as Mr Jones and he also get the dogs that he raised to chase Snowball through the hedges.

What are the characteristics of snowball from Animal Farm?

Snowball's strength in Animal Farm is that he is aligned with the other pigs and thereby given credibility and authority. Unfortunately, he is not as convincing a politician as Napoleon and ends up being chased away from the farm.

What chapter does snowball leave in Animal Farm?

He and Napoleon get in a big disagreement and Snowball runs away from the far and is never heard from again.

Who never seemed to agree at the meetings in animal farm?

Snowball and Napoleon. If one made a suggestion the other would not approve of it. For example the windmill. When Snowball came up with the idea, Napoleon said that it would not work. But as soon as Napoleon chased Snowball away, he decided to build the windmill anyway.

What was blamed for blowing down the windmill in Animal Farm by George Orwell?

Snowball was blamed for blowing down the windmill. He was chased away by Napoleans secret police ( the dogs ) and told the other animals a lie that he destroyed the windmill to gain leadership of the farm.

What choices does the animals on Animal Farm make that limits their individual freedom?

The animals on the animal farm allowed Napoleon to take the dogs away from the parents resulting to him teaching the dogs to do his bidding which means that the farm is under the Napoleons control when their older. Napoleon uses them and, sends them after Snowball which then result to the farm having to listen to Napoleon unless he wants one of the animals wants to die or be banished.

Who was Leon Trotsky in the novel called Animal Farm?

Leon Trotsky was represented by Snowball. One of the revolutionary leaders that was actually up for the cause to improve life but chased away by Napoleon (who was represented Joseph Stalin).

Why are cats important farm animal?

They can keep mice away

In animal farm how does mollie look when she ran away?

cowardly and weak

What does chasing away Jones represent in animal farm?

the march revolution

Who do the animals in Animal Farm represent?

The animals farms characters represent people in real life. The Russian revolution started the ideas of for writing animal farm as the characters are real life people.For Example, old Major is Lenin, snowball is Trotsky, Napoleon is Stalin ( dictatorship etc). George Orwell got all of his ideas from the Russian revolution which create the whole animal farm.