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It would have to override state law. see link

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Q: In Arizona does child support end at 18 years old If your decree says 18?
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What if child is 19 and still in high school do you still have to pay child support?

Depends on what your decree says. In most cases, child support is paid until the child reaches 18 years of age or when the child graduates high school, which ever comes first.

If a parent moves with child out of state years after a divorce which child support law applies?

The divorce decree is still valid. If it needs modification, the law in the child's current state of residence applies.

When is a parent no longer legally responsible for a child?

When they reach the age of majority, which in most states is 18 years old. There are exceptions, some states it is 19, or requires high school graduation and 18. And if there is a court order for support until they reach a certain age, it can make a difference.

Why do you have to pay support when your child is 18?

Some states or divorce decrees have provisions of child support to be paid until the child is 21 years old if the child goes to college full time. This is very rare. Check your divorce decree and all its stipulations. It is general and common for the child support to stop on the 18th birthday. Support may continue into adulthood for severely disabled children.

Do you have to pay child support in the state of Louisiana for a child in college if its not in your divorce decree?

LouisianaGenerally, the obligation ends when the child reaches 18 years of age unless the child is still in high school - in which case the support ends upon the child's graduation from high school, or the child's 19th birthday, whichever occurs first.

In Arizona can wages be taken from me for child support he owes after eight years living together even if not married?

No. Is he in arrears? see links below

How can a custodial parent whose kids are over 18 years old get back child support dropped in Texas?

You may not be able to. If your children where under the age of 18 when the decree for support was created then the non-custodial parent is still responsible for that support. Only a few states back date, which means that if you had the decree written up when the child was 17 then the non-custodial parent would have to pay from the day that they left the house. States can garnish wages for back child support, and also garnish tax refunds to pay child support. If it was dropped due to the child moving out on their own at age 16, which is when a child can rent their own place in Texas, than it cannot be reengaged.

What age of child stop paying child support?

Ohio Law requires that Child Support continues until your child is both 18 years of age and finishes high school. If your child is over 18 years of age, the child support will continue if your child is enrolled on a full-time basis in an accredited high school; however, when your child turns 19 years of age, the child support will end. It is your obligation to inform CSEA of the emancipation.

In the state of Arizona if you give up your parental rights to a child that you have not seen in 4 years currently paying child support for does the child support obligation end?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Is a parent legally responsible in Arizona for a child of 18 years old?

In Arizona, parents are not legally responsible for their 18-year-old child's actions or financial support. At age 18, individuals are considered legal adults and are responsible for themselves.

What is the procedure to stop child support payments in Texas when the child becomes 18 years of age?

Child support ends in Texas when the child reaches age 18 or graduates from high school (so long as the child is a full-time student), whichever is later. Texas divorce and paternity decrees can be quite lengthy, but the decree should set out when child support ends.

Do you still receive child support in TX after age 18 if child is in college?

Yes, if a child is actively enrolled in college as a full-time student, the custodial parent will still receive child support. Once the child is done with college or if they drop out, the child support will stop.