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Yes they can

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Q: In Binary Stars the initially less massive Star can die first?
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How can you explain the Algol paradox?

In some binary systems, the less-massive star has become a giant, while the more-massive star is still on the main sequence. If higher-mass stars evolve faster than lower-mass stars, how do the lower-mass stars in such binaries manage to leave the main sequence first? This is called the Algol paradox, after the binary system Algol.

What is the likely reason that you cannot find any examples of the first generation stars?

The first generation stars were mostly very massive and exploded as supernova.

What are hypervelocity stars?

Hypervelocity stars (HVS) are a unique class of stars which are defined by their extreme velocities (around 1,000 km/s). In fact, they are moving fast enough to be gravitationally unbound to the Galaxy. They were first predicted in 1998 and are thought to be a result of three-body interactions between a binary star pair and a massive black hole (MBH) that resides in the galactic center. The first HVS was discovered in 2005 and there are now about 20 known HVS.

What are the three main categories of dead stars?

The first category is the white dwarf these are the stars that our Sun will become. The second category are the more massive stars that will collapse down to neutron stars. The final category is a black hole.

What is a star capella?

TheÊstar named Capella is the third brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere and is actually a grouping of four individual stars grouped in binary pairs. It was first discovered to be binary pairs in 1899.

What is the first value in binary?

The first value in binary is 1

Why do you think the first generation of stars would be different from stars born today?

Without heavy elements, the clouds could not reach as low a temperature as today and had to be more massive to collapse.

What may have been the first source of light in the early universe?

The remnants of the big bang initially. Then the first stars formed.

What were the first stars called?

The first stars are called population III stars as they were the first stars created - about 400 million years - after the big bang. They consisted of hydrogen and helium only (and maybe a small amount of lithium) and would have been massive. As such, their lifespan would only have been in the millions of years, rather than the billions of years for the current population I stars (Like our Sun). To date, no population III stars have been observed and thus have not been named.

Are all young main sequence stars blue?

No. Only the most massive main sequence stars are blue. Because blue stars are short-lived compared to other stars they are almost invariably young. Less massive stars live much longer, so only a fairly small portion of them are so young. For example a star like our sun can be expected to remain on the main sequence for about 10 billion years, if the rate of formation of such stars is constant then you can expect 1 in every 1,000 such stars to be in their first 10 million years on the main sequence.

Did galaxies form around super massive black holes?

It's generally believed that galaxies first formed around "ordinary" black holes and over time, they grew into super massive black holes as stars were slowly "consumed" by the black hole.

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