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Because it's a shield. It protects everyone inside.

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Q: In Breaking Dawn why do no-one's powers work on Bella when they are inside the shield?
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What powers does bela have in twilight?

She doesn't have any powers in twilight but in breaking dawn when she becomes a vampire, she is really strong and can put a protective shield over who she wants to protect them.

What powers does Bella get from being turned into a vampire?

being a shield that can protect others when in ned from protection from menel attaks. read breaking dawn.

What is Bella's gift in after she turns?

her gift is basically a shield where she can shield the minds of herself and anyone else inside the invisible shield . The shield protects the mind from the powers that affect it like Jane's power of causing mental pain and mind reading.

How does Bella use her powers in twilight?

in twilight, new moon and eclipse she can only stop people from tampering from her mind but in the book breaking dawn she can use her shield to shield other people and take it off her so edward can read her mind

Who is the most best at controlling there powers in twilight?

Bella is the best. In breaking dawn she can controll her shield so well, she can also controll her behavour best. But talking powers, she's got the greatest amount of controll over hers.

What powers will Bella have when she turns into a vampire?

She has a shield that protects herself from powers inflicted upon the mind, and later, she manifests this into a shield that protects others.

What is Bella's talent?

She can shield others from mental powers as well as herself.

What is twilights breaking dawn resmesse powers?

Her power is the opposite of Bella and Edward. She can show anyone anything by touching her palm to them. She can get through any mental shield. No one can keep her out if she wants to show them something.

What is Bella's talent in Breaking Dawn?

Bella's talent in Breaking Dawn is a mental shield which she can expand to protect other people from vampire powers that affect the mind.

Can Bella's power protect others in breaking dawn?

Yes, after few weeks worth of training, she learns how to extend her shield a little bit. It's true powers emerge during the encounter with Volturi, where her control over her shield rapidly increases. Also, she discovered that when she shield's a being with connection to others (a shapeshifter) she also shields the ones he/she's connected to.

What was bellas gift?

Bella's gift was a special ability to shield those around her from psychic powers, making their thoughts and emotions unable to be sensed by others who could read minds. This made her a valuable asset to her vampire family and the Cullen coven.

What is Bellas power?

When Bella becomes a vampire, she is a "shield", as it is categorized by the Volturi. This means that she is immune to all mental powers that are possessed by other immortals. She can also push the shield out to include those around her, and she can or push it away from her. This is only ever used when she wanted Edward to hear her thoughts. When the others around her are not in the shield, they cannot see her or anyone else in the shield.