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the declaration is int a - you are declaring a variable type integer. Definition is when you define a variable or give it a value, so a = 10 would be a definition

Answeri have an doubt.. i have read somewhere that whenever memory allocation takes place , it is called definition. and declaration just tells the nature of variable. in int a; --- the memory allocation is taking place. so it should be the definition.kindly reply and clarify my doubt. AnswerWhen you declare it, you tell it what its type it. (int a) that's when the compiler knows how much to allocate for it.

you define it as a=10, or a=20000.

AnswerThis refers to both definition and declaration why because it is allocating the memory in the statement

int a;


int a =10;

extern int a;

is an declaration.

Answerint a; This is a declaration, declaring that 'a' is a variable of type int which would occupy 4 bytes(in a 32-bit compiler). Here no memory space is allocated. But when you say, a=10; Here 'a' is given 4 bytes (actual memory allocation) when value 10 is stored. This is called definition.

-Sushant Sharashchandra Painaik

AnswerActually 'a10;' can be a 'useless calculation' or an 'undefined variable'.

'int a;' and 'int a=10;' are both definitions; whilst 'extern int a;' is just a declaration.

in C, all variables should be declared to tell the compiler what the variable names are,and what type of data they hold. the variables must be declared b4 they are used. here int a; is declaration and a= 10 is its data type value.

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Q: In C Language if you write int a; a10; then which is Declaration and which is Definition of variable a?
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