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Yes, all Christians seek after God. No one fully understands Him and so we endeavour to by reading the scriptures and by prayer. If we follow the example set by Jesus Christ then we can know God a little better.It is the purpose of man to know the one and only true God and His son Jesus Christ.

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Q: In Christianity is man seeking after God?
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Answer Areal God (Allah) Answer B:Islam try to tell that Jesus is Soul and it can be anyone and Body is John the Baptist therefore Mohamad identity was hidden in Kuran. Answer CIslam simply seeks worshiping Allah (God in English and same God in Christianity and Judaism) as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. Christianity seeking the Trinity that considers God is Father + Son (Jesus) + Spirit and hence considers Jesus son of God and some others considers Jesus is God.

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Why is Christianity based on God?

Because Jesus Christ on which Christianity is based is the Son of God/God.