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Control group....<----Incorrect...its Experimental Group

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Q: In Crum and Langer's hotel experiment the group of participants who were informed that housekeeping work was good exercise was the?
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Related questions

What is a document that informs you of something?

Informative document. In Psychology experimental terms, participants are given a written document, informing them of the experiment. It is know as an "informed consent form".

What are the ethical issues associated with psychological research?

Participants must be informed that they are in an experiment, give consent, and told what is going to be happening and what the psych is looking for, UNLESS there is a very psychological reason to not have to tell them what it's for, approved by a board of psychs that it is appropriate, in which case you can wait til after the experiment to tell participants what really happened. And you can't affect a participant physically or psychologically

Which of the following is a guideline for doing research with people?

Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision about participation.

What minimizes the risk of harm by telling research participants what to expect before the participate in research?

Informed Consent

Did Craik and Tulving participants have informed consent?

partially. they knew they had to answer the questions but were not sure why. they did not know they were going to be askedto recall them afterwards.

What is an informed conjecture that is capable of being tested and potentially falsified by experiment or data?


What are the APA guidelines for research using humans?

The APA guidelines for research using humans include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring voluntary participation, protecting participants from harm, maintaining confidentiality, and debriefing participants after the study. Researchers are also required to obtain institutional review board (IRB) approval before conducting research with human participants.

APA ethical standards require researchers to?

APA ethical standards require researchers to obtain informed consent from participants, protect the confidentiality of participant information, avoid causing harm to participants, and address any potential conflicts of interest. Researchers must also provide debriefing after the study and ensure that their research is conducted with integrity and transparency.

Reduce the adverse effects of diabetes?

Exercise, being informed, eating healthy, treating the diabetes the way you should.

Why is prior knowledge so important in science?

Prior knowledge allows you to make a well-informed hypotheses and a better-planned experiment.

Where can I find more information on top diet programs?

The website for Good Housekeeping has good information for you on top diet programs. They keep the information concise and easy to understand so that you can make an informed decision.

What are the ethical concerns in Asch?

The main ethical concern in Asch's conformity experiments is the use of deception, as participants were misled about the true purpose of the study. This raises issues related to informed consent and the potential for psychological harm or stress in participants who may have felt pressured to conform to incorrect judgments. Additionally, the lack of debriefing at the end of the experiment to clarify the deception could have caused lingering psychological effects in the participants.