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25 percent to 33 percent of the population died

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one outa every three people

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33%-50% of the total population.

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Q: In Europe how many people were effected because of the Black Plague?
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Where did most people die from the bubonic plague?

it didnt matter what type of person got it it effected everyone

How did the bubonic plague affect society during Shakespeare's time?

The Bubonic plague effected society because there was no sewer lining and lots of people were dying and there wasn't much help that could be given.

How did the outbreak of the plague in the 14th century contribute to the decline of fuedalism in Europe?

When People died of the Plague, the other people could get increased pay because there would be less people.

How did the plague effect Europe religiously?

Religious people thought that the plague was sent by God as a punishment for sin. Because of all the widespread death due to the whole plague Religious people found it diffeicult to gain trust in their religion because of the death. It did effect Europe in a reasonably large way. However one thing that was not hindered by the plague was the Pope who locked him self in locked quaters. He did not catch either plague.

What percent of Europe died of the bubonic plague?

1/3 of people died in Europe.

What epidemic attacked the people of Europe in 1347?

The epidemic that attacked the people of Europe was the Black Plague or the Black death.

In what year was the black plague how many people died?

The black plague occured in Europe from 1347-1351. It killed about 25 million people.

How were the most effected by the black death?

They were mostly effected by rats getting germs and bacteria and passing onto foods. Then when the people ate the food, they would get the bacteria and catch the 'Black Plague'

How many people died because of pneumonic plague?

Around 30-60% of Europe's population at the time, so about 75 million

What is was the Black Death and how did it change Europe?

black death is Plague pandemic. It killed 75 to 200 million people. Thus it changed it.

What does plague do to people?

Kills them. Over 3/4 of Europe died.

How did the plague affect the economy of Europe?

The Bubonic Plague effected the economy greatly. First of all, without the necessary workers four fields, feudalism decreased dramatically. Also, the poor peasants went to different towns, seeking jobs to make money for food. Most towns became ghost towns because no one was there since they either died by the plague, or they moved away from the misery.