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In Kurt Vonnegut's "Fahrenheit 451", Fireman Guy Montag is an unhappy member of the crew that burns confiscated books. One day while raiding an elderly woman's attic, he steals a book. He is afraid that Captain Beatty will see the stolen book when he pays the visit.

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Montag was worried that Captain Beatty would discover his hidden collection of books and his rebellious thoughts against the society that burned books. Montag feared Beatty would find out about his growing disillusionment with the oppressive government and the desire to protect knowledge.

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the book he took from the old womans attic

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Q: In Fahrenheit 451 what was montag afraid captain beatty would discover when he came to visit?
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What was montag afraid captain beatty would discover when he came to visit?

Montag was afraid that Captain Beatty would discover his hidden collection of books and his growing disillusionment with the society and government that they were living in. He feared that Beatty might suspect his rebellious thoughts and actions.

Who is the antagonist of Fahrenheit 451?

The antagonist is Captain Beatty

Fahrenheit 451 what is montage worried about captain be atty finding at his house?

Montag is worried about Captain Beatty finding the books hidden in his house. He fears that Beatty will discover his secret obsession with reading and knowledge, which goes against the society's strict anti-book laws that Beatty upholds as Fire Chief.

Who was beatty in the book Fahrenheit?

he was on of the antagonists, and the captain of the fire department :) Save

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Captain Beatty is the primary antagonist in "Fahrenheit the sieve and the sand." As the fire chief, he enforces the ban on books and intellectual freedom in the dystopian society of the novel. Beatty represents the oppressive government that oppresses free thought and individuality.

What happened to beatty?

If your talking about the book Fahrenheit 451, Captain Beatty is killed by Guy Montag. He does this by burning him alive with the flame thrower.

Where does the climax of Fahrenheit 451 occur?

It occurs when Guy Montag sets flame to his captain, Beatty.

Who was Captain Beatty in Fahrenheit?

He was the chief fire officer, but he was also extremely well informed about books.

What Pages in Fahrenheit 451 does Captain Beatty quotes books?

Captain Beatty quotes books on pages 56, 57, and 58 in "Fahrenheit 451." This occurs during his confrontation with Montag, where he recites passages from various works to illustrate his points about the dangers of books and ideas.

Should the reader feel empathy for Captain Beaty?

That would be natural to have some affinity for Captain Beatty of Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451" .

In Fahrenheit 451 what does Captain Beatty represent in our society?

Captain Beatty in "Fahrenheit 451" represents the oppressive forces of censorship and control in society. He symbolizes the dangers of a society that suppresses intellectualism and critical thinking in order to maintain power and conformity. Beatty's character serves as a warning against the dangers of censorship and the importance of preserving free thought and the pursuit of knowledge.

Captain beatty drove the salamander to whose house in Fahrenheit 451?

Captain Beatty drove the Salamander to Montag's house in "Fahrenheit 451." Beatty was aware that Montag had secretly been collecting and hiding books, and he wanted to confront Montag about his subversive actions.